
Comics for January 5, 2002 - 01/05/2002

One thought on “01/05/2002

  1. It’s a REAL dragon you retard!! And what is up with battlefield simulations and having NOWHERE TO FREAKIN’ TAKE ADEQUATE COVER!? That’s what I don’t like about the common laser tag arena. There is almost nothing war-like about the arena at all. I could hide in the corner and STILL get shot from any direction. You’d have to be a midget child or a baby or something to avoid being shot from behind while against a wall! They’re too open, the walls have too many openings in them for them to have any point, and the whole “Futuristic Battlefield” thing is getting kind of old. I think it would be much better if the field were like a forest or a warehouse full of crates or something. Something that actually takes TALENT and combat knowledge rather than luck and constant head-swiveling.

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