
9 thoughts on “01/19/2011

  1. Uh oh….please tell me that is not Rama who just spoke. Vin’s look is priceless though. Love the wet hair/fur. Smart horse though, even if it didn’t keep it’s rider.

  2. I’m not sure if Rama would risk being part of the trap. Mainly because if the trap is discovered Rama would be putting himself at risk of being captured.

    Quinn, Rama’s Sirac and Filaire are other possibilities.

    But then again, Rama is arrogant enough that I think it might just be him.

  3. Hmm, if it were Rama, he would have to have the “Arc-Villain’s Trusty Escape Routine,” ready to go. Just for the off chance he were exposed.

  4. I’ve never liked disembodied voices.. they always have something bad attached to them.

    “I mean, the guy had me on a silver platter…” Bob joins in at this point as they both exclaim “And then he starts monologueing!” Frozone continues, “Talking about how feeeeble I am..”

  5. I thought Vincent got stripes when he got wet. Or are those only on his body?

  6. Weren’t those his ribs? he should have a bit more substance to him now, after spending at least a couple weeks at the Akaelaes

  7. Actually, yes. Vincent DOES have stripes, which he mentions only really show up when he gets wet. It’s part of his Mounty heritage, along with retractable claws.

  8. I somehow doubt Rama would ask if Vin’s alright…

    1. But Rama wants Vin as an heir. Rama has also deliberately tried to set up a situation where Vin feels he needs Rama’s help, thus getting a willing subject/pawn. Asking if Vin is alright would help the illusion that Rama actually cares about his son as a son. As opposed to Rama’s actual attitude, which comes across as “I need an heir, and he’s all that’s left.”

      But, you do have a point. Rama IS really that arrogant that he might not ask his own son if he’s alright.

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