03/14/2009 (16 Comments) (16 Comments)

16 thoughts on “03/14/2009 (16 Comments) (16 Comments)

  1. While the pretty skunks are away, the scavies will play.
    But, wait! The mini whips are hatching!
    Very nice pencil acting, here.

  2. Not good!

  3. Not for the winged rats (no, I mean not pigeons)

  4. Wow, your skills at drawing rodents have really improved! Those scavies are impressive.

  5. I’m loving how this is getting drawn out… though that makes it sound like I’m bored with the length when I’m not. I see why you wanted to re-due this and think it’s great as I compare it to my memory of the original version.

    Love it!

  6. Are the whips able to fight against the rats as soon as they hatch? I don’t think they’ll make it out of this very well… at least, not all of them.

  7. Wow, the scavies look amazing! Especially in the last panel!

  8. Mini Whips get their breakfast delivered, ironically, the batrats deliver themselves!

  9. I hope that the whips stand a chance just-hatched… I’d hate for the cubs to come back and find the protectors they’ve been waiting for have been killed.

  10. I think the scavies are about to get their butts handed to them on a silver platter by the whips.

  11. If it’s anything like the original we have no worries about the hatchlings 😀

  12. How convenient. The batrats deliver themselves for breakfast.

  13. I remember this one, i must say…MUCH BETTER:)

  14. Oooooooh! Hurry up pups!

  15. SCAVIE ATTACK!!! o_o

  16. So the whips will own them? I sure hope so, this should be exciting 😀 I love dragon like creatures.

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