03/28/2008 (10 Comments)

EDIT 2/3/2013: I didn't think about posting this here. :D CAMPUS SAFARI IS UPDATING in it's own area HERE! You can also view it here where all the Cyantian pages update! - Tiff Comics for March 28, 2008 - 03/28/2008 - Wow.  725 strips.  Campus Safari has ended in this incarnation.  It began a LONG time ago as one of my first comics and I want to redo it with better art and updated writing. I had to stop doing it primarily to avoid 'fixing' events in Akaelae and closing off avenues of story that I may want to change and well.. I don't really intend to CHANGE the majority of Campus Safari.  I intend to ADD to it!

12 thoughts on “03/28/2008 (10 Comments)

  1. Congratulations. It is a bittersweet moment when two portions of a story grow to meet. At this point it is understandable that the story would “stop”

  2. I found this comic yesterday. Yes, I have gone through 741 pages in that amount of time. I was so engrossed in it by the end here that I completely forgot that you said there was an ending. I have really enjoyed this comic, fell in love with the characters, and wish you all the best. Good luck when you finally reopen it and continue the story. Till then, farewell.

  3. Ahhh, so the tale ends. Sadly, I’ve seen three “Graphic Novels” go in for a “freshen up and improvement” treatment (not here; other sites).
    The most recent was “Alpha Luna” and it’s been three months plus since anything has happened in either the story or in the LiveJournal pages.
    The first one that had this happen was “Wolf World”…and the website no longer exists. The people carrying the website just stopped paying and it died.
    Hopefully, someday this will be part of the time when the cubs are grown and in what must be the Wackiest College in two solar systems.
    Not holding my breath, though.

  4. So…by any chance….is this comic going to continue? I understand it won’t be for quite some time, but I do thoroughly enjoy this comic, along with the others…but really… >.> I’m sure that many like myself are interested in seeing eventually where things go with a number of characters, like Darius and Sheana, or Cilke and Chrome, or even my favorite, Chatin and “Twinky”. I don’t expect that this comic will pick back up anytime soon, but I do hope that at some point, once Akaelae has enough story to it, that this comic will come back.

  5. I always get depressed when I finish reading a comic, and significantly more when a comic is indefinitely postponed. Then why do I read a comic that is clearly stated hiatus on 741 pages then read it anyways knowing I’ll become depressed when I finish it?

    I’m a glutton for punishment. Anyways I’ve loved it from beginning to end and look forward to when or if campus safari resumes.

    Many noobs on halo 3 will die today.

  6. Wait, why don’t you merge campus safari/akaelae with alien dice? Since they are pretty much both the same theme, timezone, and about alien you could do guest appearances and such.

    That would so kickass.

  7. Continuity is a tough one to follow when you have prequels and sequels. This is actually a good move. Although the cliffhanger ending is like … that episode of Star Trek with the Borg and we had to wait for the new season to come out to see the ending!

  8. An amazing comic, I enjoy your work, I can’t wait until it continues.

  9. Aww lovely comic, just have to put in my say of that. I’ve been reading the “Akalae” comic so far and finally decided to have a read of this and I’m so glad I did ^^
    Those last few pages for cs are brilliant and I live the closing line in the above strip 😀
    Great work and can’t wait to see this wonderful comic continued in cs

  10. Aww absolutely lovely comic. I’ve been reading the “Akalae” comic so far and finally decided to have a read of this and I’m so glad I did ^^
    Those last few pages for cs are brilliant and I love the closing line in the above strip 😀
    Great work and can’t wait to see this wonderful comic for cs continue

  11. Personally, I like the way that Campus Safari had ended. Darius had finally admitted his love for Sheana, Cilke had found a nice man to hook up with, Collin had opened a relation with that Cisaan, and Chatin and Twinky got together. All of the hanging love story plots had been resolved and the ending is a really nice “And the Adventure Continues” ending. Great job Tiff.

  12. can’t wait to find out what the emergency is, but if that was foreshadowing, it’s gonna be big

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