
*Edit for the 31st* Today's the last day of the month! Help the site meet its goal so that it's all nice and comfy for the start of the month. :) Thankfully.. the first three months are always the worst and things are looking up. The tally's at $32 left and all of that is going to grocery shopping the moment it comes in. :D We're down to bread, butter, milk and eggs, which while are yummy... only go for so many meals before other family members start rioting. :D Forgot to upload this yesterday so it'd update today.. been forgetting a lot of things, but I'm better now and will be resuming commission work next week. Two days left to the end of the month and $62 left to go! Also, something else I'd forgotten was this week's Spiderforest comic of the week: Cetiya! Why not try a new comic this week? They're all good! (Just a note, Cetiya is a mature comic.)

14 thoughts on “03/30/2012

  1. Vincent full powers realized

    1. Are you sure it’s not Rama doing that?

  2. The Bomb just went off. . . ?

  3. Somebody’s providing ominous thunder and lightning! Whoever it is must be genre savvy.

  4. Explosive effect is blue-ish, which would be a Vin color, but it does sound more of a detonation than a revelation. Unless it was Quinn activating burst-mode, in which case all bets are off.

    Than again, blue effect is a color associated with Camden: http://cyantian.net/blog/2011/02/02/02022011/

  5. Ohhhhh… shall we expect a storm after all? 🙂

  6. Akaelae ex machina?

  7. Um…What just happened?

    1. Tune in next week!

  8. Whooo!!! I LOVE a good lighting storm!

  9. Freedom Call’s ‘Thunder God’ just started playing

  10. Is that someone other than Vincent yelling “No!” this time in the first panel?

  11. love how the grey wolf is just standing there watching with hiss arms folded. perfect minion, wont do shit unless directly told 😛

  12. Thunder! Thunder! Thunder Wolfs Ho! (What, somebody had to say it :})

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