
21 thoughts on “04/20/2012

  1. … I just have to lead you someplace you don’t want to be. Someplace you can’t get away from.

    1. *Whistles innocently while sitting next to a tied up Admiral Akbar*

      Yeah, no warning for Kamden here. He’s either gonna get beat when Quinn cuts loose, or when Quinn’s trap springs on him.

    2. Dude that is an awesome line that I really want to use now. 😀

  2. …Which is made much easier by the Invisible Brain-Trust I have talking to me.

    Raise, call or fold. Your choice.

  3. And so my question becomes – who is “they”? Is she referring to a general “people who chase me,” or to something more obscure and potentially lethal that only she knows about. Because it would seem to me that if anyone would remember not to discount the Y axis, it would be another Sirac.

    1. I think she’s just referring to the ground-bound and how they never think to look ‘up’ to find her after one of her pranks. Quinn is forgetting (or -pretending- to forget!) that Camden is just as capable of flying as she is, and therefore knows to think 3-dimensionally when looking for her.

  4. I wonder what she’s waiting for? Could those demon things loose in this dimension be capable of harming Camden, because he thrashed around that other one at the beginning of all this.

  5. Personally I Think Camden is Quinn natural father, but this is only a theory based of their fur markings. The green eyes and alburn hair prolly come from Quinns mother. I would love to see a color image of all the other siracs that were trapped in the lab. Im also betting that Camden was one of those that figured out how to escape early on.

  6. “I just have to outrun the bear.”

  7. “I just have to lead you into Syrys’s forces”

  8. Quinn is toying with him? Could under this sweet cuddly exterior be a blood thirsty monster, with no pity or remorse for her enemies?

  9. Looks like he’s developing that “Wut?” look suddenly.

  10. “Remember: you don’t have to outrun the dragon, you just have to outrun the other guy.”

  11. We may not have seen all he can do yet, but he sure hasn’t seen all Quinn can do, either; particularly what happens to anyone who thinks she’s going to wait around for someone to use brute force on her.

    1. Exactly what can she do against Camden? All I’ve seen of her powers so far is phasing, teleportation, levitation, and telepathy. Camden possess all those powers as well as a Sirac, so Quinn’s got nothing special there over him. Quinn’s wily and determined, but Camden’s sadistic, likely far more experienced and practiced, and the demon things under his control, as stated by the one he badly hurt, are insane under his control and brutal. What does Quinn have over this dude?

      1. Cunning and an as yet unrevealed trap, either featuring her powers or featuring backup of some sort.

        1. Yup, those two things! – besides, the last time I saw Camden in a fight, he lost to a rock…

        2. To be fair this is a fight between psychics and there are no rocks. But yeah, I’ll have to give that one you there.

        3. *Laughs!* That is true!

          Poor Kamden, so much potential wasted serving Rama, so much humiliation inbound.

  12. Wait, did Quinn just reference one of the first pages in Akaelae?

  13. I get scared when Quinn starts explaining like that! 😀

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