
21 thoughts on “04/24/2012

  1. Collin’s being all badass

  2. *SNAP!!* Oooh, Look at what my trap just caught!

    I never knew Collin had wings. I lioke where this is going.

  3. Look at Camden’s eyes – okay, I’m scared now!

  4. “I’m the boot that’s going to kick your sorry @$$ all the back to earth.”

    1. “But I’m not even from Earth!”

      “Then I’ll kick your ass back to Cyantia once we get there!”

  5. “Something greater than you.”

  6. “Your Death”

    1. “Pancakes”

  7. Looks like Collin’s using his big Bro powers XD

    1. Which is funny because he was the smaller one when they were found.

      1. Then just his “sis in trouble” powers.

        And given Quinn’s (lack of) maturity it’s really hard to believe she’s the older one.

  8. Why he’s obviously reaching in to give his brain a washing.

    Obviously it needs a good scrubbing thanks to Rama.^^

    1. And the Milita Foxes that made him.

  9. Wow, actually reaching inside his brain to play with the wires.. this should be most interesting!

  10. I’d be more squicked, if I hadn’t read it in an ancient Magic: the Gathering novel.

  11. now, trigger the self destruct sequence and program it to return to rama. when you can reach into a brain, everythings a robot right? 😛

  12. I…would *not* want to go in that guy’s mind.

    1. Neither…

  13. “My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts… my fingers to your brain!”

  14. “I’m crushing your brain!”

    …Ack…get that thought out of MY brain.

    If Colin is still being thoughtful, instead of just being angry bro, then he is going to go in and mine…then he is going to process what he finds…then he is going to start scrubbing. Sorry, that last was me. I highly doubt Colin will go as far as to damage Kamden mentally. He may short a bunch of neurons, but nothing approaching a psychic lobotomy.

    And, in a way that is kind of sad. After all the bad programming Kamden has received from first the fox, then Rama, a nice core dump might do him a world of good.

  15. OK, seeing this is just creepy. I mean, forget about all the relatively nice things about reaching in and altering, reading, or even SCRUBBING Kamden’s mind. From what I’m seeing, he may very well, quite bloodlessly, be turning the poor sirac’s mind, literally, into mulch. Brains don’t have a lot of structural integrity, and if Collin can make even the tips of his now-penetrating fingers solid and move them around, well, to call the damage catastrophic would be like calling the atomic bomb “a wee little blast”.

    Pardon, but the Kyubi is currently DEEPLY squicked out.

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