
Little note for those of you questioning their tactics... it's not the wolves you see that are the most dangerous, it's the ones that you don't see. There are units that are meant to draw the eye as decoys.

17 thoughts on “05/01/2012

  1. Rama’s timing leaves something to be desired. I thought Syrys was supposed to be his #1 target!

    1. That could be the sound of Vin flipping out reaching Strys.

      1. Considering the cracks in the ground, and the fact that the last we saw of Vin, he and Filaire were escaping an apparent cave in that didn’t seem to have started because of his powers, I would say that’s probably the bomb going off.

      2. I don’t think even Vincent makes big cracks appear in the ground! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Two “Booms” vs Vin’s one “KERACK.” Think this is Rama’s gift to the party. How sad that he is out cold when it unwraps itself. …Naaah.

  3. Far to easy for the enemy’s own bomb to kill him. I’ve seen it happen, but it isn’t likely. Particularly not with Rama.

    1. Meh, Rama will just walk it off.

  4. Well now, Syrys usually isn’t so surprised, so this is new.

    Fortunately, Rama missed the timing to catch Syrys’ forces in the base. Unfortunately, there’s still people in there. Odds are, the medics Syrys brought along are going to get some extra work today. ๐Ÿ™

  5. The bombs tore fissures into the ground, this area might not be too seismically stable. I REALLY hope the Rumah bunker wasn’t damaged. That many aliens on life-support, the blast doesn’t even need to collapse it. The blast just needs to damage the power grid or disrupt the machinery to cause a critical failure. Plus the cubs are in it and Vincent and Filaire were still trapped in the outside along with the slave children.

    In happier news, Syrys looks awesome in his armor.

    1. I’m thinking that the aliens have enough technology to keep their next safe from a lot more than just the big explosions.

      1. Syrys is at a safe distance to be safe from the blast, but it was still powerful enough to RIP the GROUND apart from where he was standing. That was clearly no holiday firecracker. Advanced technology does not necessarily mean your safe from attack. Most likely the bunker’s fine and the Rumah didn’t skimp on its construction, but regardless, that was a BIG explosion.

        Also, I have a question, do the Rumah appear in Campus Safari? This is a little off-topic, but now that they are confirmed to still exist, what does this mean for Cyantia? Surely the Rumah aren’t going to try and reclaim control of the planet because sorry, its under new management. Although that could open up interesting story arc possibilities.

  6. It’s also the beginning of a new month, so now’s the best time to click and vote for The Cyantian Chronicles with the button on the right of the comic.

  7. And now I’m humming “Boom Boom” by John Lee Hooker… and for some reason the low-detail Syrys’ face in second panel amuses me greatly.

    ‘Sides that – I sure hope the Rumuah facility will survive, but I kind of expect the exact opposite being Useful For The Plot. Just as Rama plainly has to get away due to the timeline. ๐Ÿ™

    “Look at ’em. Big Cheese Syrys, a good-looking, competent wolfess to protect the old fart, that one odd non-Cyantian fox who probably can’t be too trusted, and the token Jillaic for political correctness. Obviously they won’t get any close to real fight, and their tails are gonna get kicked anyway!”

    1. Even if the facility survives, that doesn’t mean it will be something the Akaelaes can use immediately. They might not even want to reveal it for fear of starting a war with other people who would want Rumuah technology.

      Then again, maybe the Rumuah base they found here is why they have the old tech that lets them terraform Mars and Venus in Campus Safari.

    2. Wolfess has both the looks and the skills for true Heroine status.
      “Odd” fox, from what I’ve been told, is quite trustworthy, and good at his job.
      Jiliac will kick some tail! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. guy in back right in second panel is looking a little like a veteran there for some reason. Syrys on the other hand is looking so expertly that he seems casual, almost like the suit is just for looks. BTW Syrys, Rama didn’t do that, although I don’t see why a random crack in the ground is serious in the first place. Lastly, that purple guy is looking really…new. Something like that. I like it! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Why, thank you… I’m more of a veteran than you might’ve think, even. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      As of the Jillaic in purple, I believe she’s a gal. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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