05/10/2010 (7 Comments)

8 thoughts on “05/10/2010 (7 Comments)

  1. Now now, don’t interrupt his ranting with such frivolities as logic.

  2. Kel is missing his black muzzle stripe in the first panel.

  3. Always the calm one… I like it how Kel is always the stabilizing influence

  4. There’s a reason why Kel becomes the new Alpha Akaelae and Darius only gets to run an Academy.

  5. gotta love the expression darius has ^^

  6. @Losech – Heh. He looks better / more natural without it. 🙂

    @Infernal Lemon – You mean his Celina imitation? 😉

  7. Why is it that all these comic artists are so good at facial expressions?? *pouts*

    Don’t answer that, I know the answer to all that and more

  8. Darius: “I am not going to Aviastry.”
    Kel: “Would you do it for a scooby snack?”
    Darius: “…damn you.”

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