
14 thoughts on “05/10/2012

  1. There’s nothing nice or pretty about being buried alive from a cave in.

    If your not outright crushed to death things like drowning, asphyxiating, gasses and a continued threat of another cave in that will finish the job or starving to death.

    A gruesome way to go and miners of any sort knew it all to well.

  2. Did we miss something here?

    1. It looks like their picking up a few survivors that didn’t try to leave the others behind or abuse the kidnapped slaves.

      1. It’s a bit cold blooded, but the people they’re leaving behind probably did worse.

        It’ll probably have a lasting effect on Vin though. He’s far less hardhearted than Filaire, and he probably always will be that same level of nice.

        1. Pretty much how I see it.

          Though the people their picking up would most likely be slaves and the ones that weren’t so mean to them. You have to wonder just how many were left of the ones that abused slaves with how some were running about.

          It seems like Rama wasn’t giving much of a heads up on things. So how many would dare peak into Rama’s tent and how far would they let the rumor tree carry it on?

          It seems only Filaire was willing on letting everyone know what Rama had done.

    2. Filaire’s rescuing the foxes who aren’t rotten to the core and in general joining with them examining their employment choices.

      By the way, I have to ask, are these foxes ex-soldiers like Filaire? Or are they just thugs?

  3. I feel something much deeper is going to happen between Vin and Ms. Filaire before we get full circle back to Campus Safari.

    *side note*
    I see some Derp, when you see it you shall lol as well

    1. I don’t think that’s ‘derp’, I think that’s injury.

      1. I agree with Iron Ed. Rock to face = Derpy looking eye = Not funny.

  4. I think this most recent blue is getting left behind because they are dead, not because they were rotten. I’m just going by the mount of blood around the head. This is still going to be hard on Vin.

    1. True. This IS a different fox than the prior one.

      The hairstyles are different and so is the positioning of where they are.

  5. We should not forget, even while Vin is a Teenager, he´s also a child. It is allways a hard experience to see wounded or even dead people.

    1. THAT is why I’m not criticizing him about his actions prior to Keiri’s death! 🙂

  6. By the way, I’m officially apologizing here about the goof-up in my post on 5/04/2012 which sounded very horrible and callous and wasn’t at all what I was intending to say. I’m sorry and will keep an eye on my grammar in the future.

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