05/19/2010 (12 Comments)

12 thoughts on “05/19/2010 (12 Comments)

  1. Hmmm. Maybe I’m just the suspicious type, but I’m suspicious, here.

  2. Aside from the heterochromatic eyes.. Syris really looks like an older Darius in this strip.

  3. Syrys

  4. Surely theres no need to worry, he’ll be able to sway the council’s descision…. I hope >.>

  5. quite suspicious,
    the council is playing hard to get :/

    could be a new tactic

  6. Oh teh noez…

  7. What decision?

  8. Hmmm…..

    @vulpinewarrior: Sounds more like ‘ruining the cubs’ lives’ but yea. Hard to get. Let’s go with that. Darius wont be happy about this then again, he might already know their intentions. He DID find a weird scent on that letter and judging by his ears, it didnt look good.

    Also, am I the only one who thinks Syrys looks like Darius in Campus Safari?

  9. @Soapy
    When he is older he looks exactly like Syrys in campus safari, considering Syrys IS he father it makes sense. Except for the iris of the eyes having mismatching colors.

  10. Well, they ARE family. Although Syrys is Darius’ Uncle and not his father.

    This is actually less suspicious than the notice of 2 cycles of special training. Although I am suspicious about the council’s motives for changing their minds.

    I’m pretty sure that we have at least three major players, including The Akaelaes, The Council and Rama, all vying for control of the cubs’ futures.

    I think we can give Syrys and Alpha the benefit of the doubt on this one. It’s the Council and Rama who are suspect in this.

    And yes, I do have to admit that Syrys actually looks young in this update. I think it’s one of the few times we haven’t seen him worrying, lonely or frustrated in Akaelae and Darius: The comic. He looks years younger with the smile on his face.

    On the other hand, Alpha looks even more worn out now. I think his age and the new causes of stress are really hitting him harder than ever.

  11. Man I’m chatty today. I’ll go to sleep before I ramble on anymore.

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