
10 thoughts on “05/23/2012

  1. Hmmmm…not to sound like a real downer on Filaire’s point.

    But he was technically a part of a family that thought they knew Rama, Rama then turned on the Alakae family and brought the elite wars to them.

    From a practical standpoint what makes going with her any better then reallying on his family?

    The enemy of my enemy is not my friend comes to mind here and Filaire just gave away that she has her own objectives. Can Vin trust her?

  2. I think Filaire might be more interested in using Vin’s weather controlling abilities to further her own goals than in his safety.

    1. Filaire obviously has a conscience based on previous strips. Filaire will no doubt use Vincent for her own ends but she isn’t half as bad as Rama. While definitely not a paragon Filaire isn’t explicitly evil, somewhere in between. A character that can play the villain but isn’t unfamiliar with dispensing justice. Like this, http://cyantian.net/blog/2012/05/09/05092012/ .

      Anyhow, her expressions in this strip seem to lack Rama’s sociopathic ambition.

    2. Whatever she is planning, I am certain this will be to further her own goals mentioned earlier:

      Vin could be a useful lever both with Rama or the Akaele

  3. It certainly sounds like Filiaire is only going to use Vin as a tool or weapon against Rama. Maybe other projects if he survives dealing with Rama.

  4. Josh C., Zarpalaus, Vorlonagent: Even if Filaire is planning on using Vin for her own ends, she wants to oppose Rama and already knows of a lot of Rama’s assets and hideouts.

    Which means that Filaire knows where Rama DOESN’T have assets.

    Plus, by the time Filaire tries anything dire, Vin will be strong enough that he can leave by force if he needs to.

    But, I don’t think Vin will have to force the issue in the end. Filaire’s probably wise enough now to let him go back the the Akaelaes if he wants to.

  5. Filaire will be able to provide training Vincent wouldn’t be able to acquire from the Akaelaes. Staying would be wise.

    1. Like what? The Akaelaes already hired a Technomage tutor for him and Darrik.

      1. Vin probably needs some time on his own, as he’s not experienced much independence till now. All his time up till now has either been with his mother, or with the Akaelaes.

        While the Akaelaes ARE nice, friendly, and good people to live with, Darius and the other cubs tend to act as a pack of wolves and do everything together.

        Plus, Filaire can teach Vincent what she knows about Rama, which more up to date than the Akaelae intel.

  6. If I were in Vin’s fur right now, I’d choose to link back up with the Akaelaes again and drag Filaire with me.
    Then again I happen to know that Celina wants to tear a piece out of Filaire and that she deserves this. I also understand the value of up to date intel.

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