
20 thoughts on “05/28/2012

  1. Looks like Vin decided to follow Filaire after all. Hope he’ll stay safe. On a side note, Kudos on a wonderful strip.

  2. Of into the night.

    Wish Vin Luck.

    Of coarse, how his powers seem to work thus far, he’ll probably be easy to narrow down where he’s going by the rain. Nice work this arc Tiff.

    1. Getting that under control will probably be the first thing Filaire teaches him.

  3. If he’s going with Filaire does anyone else think that might be the biggest mistake of his life?

    Though it might explain why he wasn’t in Campus Safari.

    1. Seems like someone said Filaire was not in CS either.

      1. I think Vin will show up in Campus Safari at some point. And I think Filaire settles down by the time Campus Safari rolls around.

        Or they’re both still out there and they’ll appear once Campus Safari catches up with itself.

        1. We know Rama is on Mars, I’m guessing Vin and Filaire come a-hunting, and TSHTF in CS. This comic might cover more of their immediate adventures, but I suspect it’d be a separate one soon, merging with the main storyline again later in CS.

        2. Now that I think about it… Tiffany’s announcement about her “The River” book says Vincent will be present. Since she opened that book to guest writers though, it may well -not- be considered canon to the main storyline.

  4. I don’t think he’s making a mistake. He needs time to be away from others who would end up controlling his life so he can learn to be independent and in control of his own life.

    Plus, I think Vin WILL be back to the cubs at some point. Probably when he starts missing Celina’s smile.

    1. Before or after he mops the floor with Rama?

      1. Probably before. I think it’s going to take more than just Vin and Filaire to finally finish off Rama.

        1. Regrettable, but probably true.

    2. You think? Without knowing about Filaire the Akaelaes will at best assume that Vin died and at worst that he’s with Rama.

      And need I remind you of the Council’s suspicions of Elites?

      1. I have faith in Vin good and kind nature, and the ability of Celina’s smile to charm him into returning to the Akaelaes at some point.

        1. Celina should be nicer to Darius.

        2. Umm… I believe it’s most often Darius who starts the problems. 🙂

  5. This strip is just…lonely. The epitomy of loneliness and sadness. Poor Vin.

    1. Agreed 100%, Maia.
      This is a really, really well done picture, Tiffany!!

  6. I cannot see Vin not wanting the Akaelaes to know he is ok. Filaire will probably arrange to get a message to them somehow without revealing where exactly they are. Rama will know they are not dead, so no reason not to clue his extended family in.

  7. Quinn might be able to find out whether Vin’s alive or not, even if she can’t find out where he is.

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