06/16/2008 (7 Comments)

Gee... this is a really bare script, and yes, I do script like this because I somehow remember every detail while I'm thinking about it in scripting and just don't like writing it down.: 1. Halls 2. Tapestries of Mounties. 3. Darrik looking wide-eyed at it all, third frame is his eyes.

8 thoughts on “06/16/2008 (7 Comments)

  1. Wow, love the tapestry!

  2. I love darrik’s expression in the third panel (though the right eye seems a little off, but who am I to judge)

  3. The tapestry looks REALLY nice. 😀 I wanna see the whole thing. >.>

  4. Great fight scene.

    Darrik is a fox. Foxes eyes are set a little further around to the side than wolves. Gives them a wider field of vision for searching for prey and watching for predators.

  5. Let’s give Tiffany congrats for named guest of honor for Fiesta Furry.

  6. Great job syke!! 🙂

    what is that in the background behind the pannels? what is that yellow semi-circle near the bottom left corner?

  7. @vulpinewarrior: probably part of another tapestry — I assume this is just the top part of the full comic page that Tiff has cut into two pieces, so we should see the rest next update.

  8. I like the pic. A little bloody for a location like that, but the sword is interesting, and so is the armor. I too would like to see the rest. Although, that is a LOT of empty tree-filled space above the two subjects of the tapestry. Also, exactly WHY is Darrik so interested in it?

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