07/02/2009 (12 Comments)

13 thoughts on “07/02/2009 (12 Comments)

  1. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the other Roos of Sink or Swim woke up in Ash’s quarters one day. Nothing naughty about it, just the other roo not being nailed down.

  2. man… stealing a whole Gumball machine…

    those things ARE normally bolted down, and then covered with a plate that hides them… she’s good if she actually got away with that and didn’t just buy one with someone else’s card 😛

  3. Ha i love it!

  4. And, it seems, a number of things that normally ARE nailed down.

  5. I was starting to miss her and the rest ^^

  6. I was starting to miss them, too

  7. …steal it.”

    “Any item which can be removed without the exigency of a cutting torch, is not nailed down.”

    “Any item which can be made mobile ‘with’ the exigency of a cutting torch is not nailed down.”

    “Any item which is, in fact, nailed down, and whose state cannot be readily changed through the exigency of a cutting torch, may be considered as not nailed down if it can be extricated subtly by other means.”

    “Any item not meeting any of the above4 criteria is to be considered a challengte.”

  8. Roflmao
    I thought she might have been a roo. I’ll have to read Sink or Swim. 😛

  9. Lycanthrope, you forgot about crowbars.

  10. I agree, the crew of roos has been missed far too long!

  11. ASH!!! My favorite Sink or swim Roo

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