07/04/2008 (17 Comments)

  1. Darrik out of the corner of his eye: I need to go …
  • Tira waving: Okay, I'll talk to you later … Darrik!
  1. Darrik staring in passing.

Page 011 (09)

  1. Darrik running to catch up: Eeek! She talks a lot!!
(Sometimes I don't stick to the scripting simply because ... these scripts need to be compressed a little more than I had them.)

21 thoughts on “07/04/2008 (17 Comments)

  1. yay first post!!!! πŸ™‚ Boy is he ever right sheesh!!!!!!

  2. I believe the saying goes “Truer words have never been spoken.” It seems this talkativeness extends into her adulthood too. Or at least I’d hazard that guess from her conversation with Stephen. Although it might have been Sean. I can’t be sure. It’s been quite a while since I read that arc.

    1. What arc? And are you SURE it doesn’t extend to YOU? XD

  3. Darrik is so cute! :3

  4. He might be happy to get away, but he’s still glancing back. I think Darrik enjoyed her converstation more than he really knows. πŸ˜‰

    His tail, not being as fluffy as it should, makes him look like a retriver, or lab. πŸ˜›

  5. Just noting here that she said his name… TWICE! Somebody likes somebody?

    1. Um, no she didn’t.

  6. RUN DARRIK RUN!!!!!

  7. I’ve noticed there isn’t much comments on the new server

  8. It’s harder to see where to comment and there are probably some people who are paranoid about their e-mail address.

  9. Ah, yes. But thats why its good to have more than one.

  10. I hate to double post, but has anyone else had anytrouble with the forum? It sez my account has been suspended.

  11. something i’m noticing… we haven’t seen many characters moving about on all fours, with the exceptions (that i can remember) being either young, not versed in cyantian societal rules, or under the influence of catnip. Is this a behavior generally avoided by cyantians, or just coincidence?

  12. Seems to me to be a characteristic of youth. We’ve seen Darius and Sheana run that way before. I don’t think we’ll see any of the plantigrade characters run that way though. Only the digitgrades. They seem to be equipped with the structural design for that.

  13. @kumagoro: probably more a matter of dignity as they get more mature than anything else. Also, Cyantians are a bit sensitive about behaving like a “animal”, at least in public. But they will if necessary — Syrys ran on all fours in Akaelae chapter 00 (don’t think it’s online anymore) when he had to escape with the cubs, carrying Collin and Quinn thru the snow storm; also, there was that wonderful iconic “no running on all fours on the stairs” sign — so it’s not uncommon, at least for the younger ones.

    @Redlion: good point about digitigrade vs plantigrade. Ignoring arm versus leg length, or having sufficient arm and chest strength to handle the constant impacts of running on all fours (since they no longer have the upper body structure of the original four legged animals) – you have to have a pelvis structure that sets your legs to the outside of your torso to be able to go on all fours properly. If your legs are set up under your torso like humans – and I assume most plantigrade Cyantians are built this way too (being human based with animal DNA added rather than animal based with human DNA added) – then of course, it ain’t happening.

  14. Keep in mind the architecture and size of the adults. πŸ˜‰ It’s not that comfortable to run in an area that’s not open. The younger ones will run on all fours more frequently indoors and outdoors (and also have special gloves for it if they do it a lot since they lack padding on their hands. I’ve shown Silver wearing them in Campus Safari or No Angel, I forget.)
    Most of it for the adults is also that thing that happens between being a kid and adult. πŸ˜‰ You know… when you’re a kid, you run through the grass barefoot and free, but when you become an adult, you have second thoughts about running through that grass barefoot/on all fours. πŸ˜€ You’ll get your clothes dirty. You might step on a sticker… or a snake. You might get fleas. πŸ˜€
    Although… some of them never grow out of it.

  15. And I’ll bet that there are other cyantians that never grow out of teasing the ones that run on all fours. πŸ˜‰

    I’m gonna bet it’s the wind rushing through their fur that keeps some cyantians running on all fours through adulthood.

  16. Of course. πŸ˜‰ I can think of nothing I’d like to see more than a nice animation of Darius running through a forest.
    I tend to like my anthros to act like the animals that they mostly are and running on all fours and enjoying it is part of that. Of course… if any of us could run on all fours easily, I’m sure we would. πŸ˜‰

  17. I’m sure we would, too. I would Love to see it too. Though, I would like to know just exactly what the military would think of that.

    1. They’d probably think, “Heck yeah, anything for extra mobility and speed!!” XD

  18. His final expression is, “Heh, she talks a lot, but she’s not so bad otherwise. Maybe we could be good friends sometime.”

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