
9 thoughts on “07/05/2010

  1. I think Darius may be a wee bit spoiled. 😀

  2. or just plain friggn’ lucky that “Stick” will come in very handy. or dangerous

  3. Now Darius can play a little Castlevania *whip crack*

  4. castlevania???

    so can it be anything basic, like the T-1000 can be, or could become something complex like a clock, or a radio? and, are there size restrictions, so it cant increase or decrease in mass?

    1. You mean the T-1000 or the T-X?

      I think the same rules apply to the staff’s amorphous properties that apply to the T-1000 amorphous capabilities. No moving parts, complex machinery, chemicals, or anything less more than the starting mass of the object.( Can’t morph into a pack of cigarettes or something large as a car for example). Pretty much only. stabbing and slashing weapons

      Of course that’s skynet technology not Cyantian tech. Darius’ stick mat be more advanced than the T-1000

    2. I should think, logically enough, that it is limited mass-wise to the same total volume and mass. As for structural strength, that depends upon the material. One cannot assume it is a nanocolloid, but it DOES definitely seem to be a form of smart matter. Logic thus dictates that it can change its’ color, texture, and shape thusly.
      How it “reads” thoughts is something up in the air tech-wise. I can only consider that author hand-wavium (it just works), or clarketech (tech so advanced as to seem as magic to those of a lower tech level).
      As to the matter of formable structures, I would think it might be capable of forming moving parts as complex as a lever, joint, or other simple mechanisms, up to and incluting rotary material provided its’ connection to the main mass isn’t lost (think jointing like a shoulder spinning a gear).
      Logically, it will not likely be able to form compounde with which it was not built. If it CAN do this (implying a nano-fabrication system at the atomic or molecular level), logic dictates it will need both power and some kind of feedstock (likely simple things such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen).

      Admittedly, these are merely my speculations on the matter, as I tend to look at science fiction through the eyes of a hard-tech lover.


      1. How do you guys know all this stuff?

  5. A VERY nice stick indeed.

  6. Howl softly and carry a self-reconfiguring nanotech stick.

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