
7 thoughts on “08/01/2011

  1. I believe the last time Rama “did this”, he started what’s known as “The Ridge War” and gained a reputation as “Wolf”. The Ridge War is a major reason why we don’t see any of Syrys other siblings or any of the other elites from that generation.

    Although, it is interesting to note that Syrys is assuming the worst by thinking that all the cubs are already captured.

    And Bad Alpha! Bad, Bad Alpha! You’re setting a bad example for others by letting yourself doze off.

  2. Get off Alpha’s case, Hariman; he’s a very, very old Wolf. To modify a quote of Yoda from “Return of the Jedi”: “When 775 years old you reach, stay awake when you want to you will not, hmm?”

    1. Haha! You crack me up ^.^. Great way of modifying it, as I do believe Yoda was 900 something wasn’t he? I could be wrong (been wrong before). Anyways, you try being furred and in a beam of light waiting for news and see if you don’t dose off :P. Love the first panel btw. Kudos.

  3. Actually, it seems that the cubs’ status was already known. Less an assumption and more of a surveillance fact. My guess? Someone’s tasked an orbital surveillance asset to keep the cubs in view. That, or else they’ve got some GOOD eyes on the ground.

    1. Ever since Celina was cubnapped by the Rastin poacher Lan, all the elite cubs have had tracking “markers” under constant surveillance. However, they’re only good for locations unless they’re inside Akaelae territory.

      Thus, Syrys knows that all the cubs are headed toward the ruins (or already there) but he doesn’t know that Darius is still free.

      I think they live in interesting times. And I’m interested in seeing what happens next. 😉

      LocoBlanco/TeyataNeyari: I know, I know. I’m just joking! If Alpha hasn’t developed thick enough skin to take a little teasing by now, I’d be worried.

      As it stands, I think that he’d give as good as he got if someone teased him like I did. 🙂

  4. If the President of the United States can take a nap during a press conference then Alpha can take a nap during a cub napping….

    Someone had to….

  5. That first panel is really beautiful!

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