
7 thoughts on “08/18/2010

  1. “This can only end in tears!”

    Or in trouble. Or maybe in disaster. I’m not quite sure which.

    Maybe it’ll end in cake. That would be nice.

  2. Uhmmm… The Cake is a Lie? (obligatory)

  3. Lucas has a point about knowing what to look for. I wonder what Lucian’s explanation will be? 🙂

  4. I’ve got the strong impression, Lucian’s answer will be a positive one.
    Followed by something like: “Why did you tell us earlier!?”

  5. I do not see this ending well if either Lucian or Lucas continues. If Darrik manages to stop them, things will mostly settle down.

  6. Odds are, natural gateways almost always glow or have some kind of giveaway signs near them. Ionized air, rumors of mysterious visitors or disappearances, strange glowing caves or glens, they could all be signs of a gateway.

    Whether or not that gate is safe to pass through is another thing. Not to mention that some lead to less than desirable locations. Of course, we won’t know until they choose whether or not to try something.

    SWIM: I should go to work and buy some cake just to prove you wrong.

  7. hariman: I wouldn’t complain. 🙂

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