09/08/2009 (21 Comments)

21 thoughts on “09/08/2009 (21 Comments)

  1. Written in English of all things!

  2. Then again they have never had a black fox with them before.

  3. Things are going to go pear shaped very quickly, I think!

  4. I’m probably not the only person hearing ominous violins in my head right now.

  5. @aliruby: Took the words right out of me.

  6. So, as they sneak past the shielding around the HLW dump …

  7. “pool of lights” sounds like nuclear waste

  8. @black fox: I think there beyond the use of stuff that would leave nuclear waste.

  9. maybe its a bunch of light doors!

  10. “Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here”


  11. Well, at least it isn’t Squid hieroglyphics. My votes are either a light door or a decommissioned power generator. Fun for kits and cubs either way. Probably quite inert with a random light show until something kick starts it into action, like a Black Fox energy boost.

  12. “speek friend and enter”

  13. Why is it written in English?

  14. Xenomorph, I think you’re right. I have a feeling that they will be the light doors, or something similar. Then again, come to think of it, if they were right there next to a Do Not Enter sign, someone knows they’re there, and that they are dangerous… Hmmm….

  15. One must definitely wonder just why the lettering is in English, considering the English language and the modern English alphabet, would not be in use on Cyantia. It’s been mentioned prior that the Cyantian language is related to and descended from Latin, though with alterations and about 600-700 years’ worth of linguistic drift. If anything, the Latin alphabet as it was in Classical Latin would be used. This assumes that at no time did they develop their own specific alphabet, nor have one foisted upon them by their creators or later by the Squid.

  16. @Mika Kyubi: Well, early on in the series, I remember seeing Darius and Cilke called to the board. I remember seing writing on the board that looked like something from India, like Hindi, or Sandskrit. I assume that was Wolven. Could have been derived from Rumuah or Squid. But it’s all just perception.

    Generally, if someone hangs a sign saying: DANGER DO NOT ENTER, the people who hung it know what they are talking about. And you shouldn’t go in there.
    I’m firmly of the opinion that one gold-furred Black Fox will give somthing an energetic kick start. This will send the situation sideways. Maybe this is where Darrik meets Tamera? ….

  17. I wonder if there is such a thing as Magical Waste…. maybe Magically Contaminated Materials. Sounds a little more instantaneous than radiation poisoning. (Warning… Danger Will Robinson…. Danger….)

  18. good lord. i keep imaging the aliens from “independence day” whenever some one says “squid” or “Moulin Phedra”

  19. The cynical side of me hears ominous violins and expects something unexpected and potentially disastrous to happen.

    The happy side of me expects a pretty sight and something fun, with a moral dilemma on Darrik’s part at the worst.

    Mika: There’s a couple of reasons.
    But that’s the main one. It’s an acceptable break from reality.

  20. That’s your cue to run Darrik. NOW!

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