
D'oh!! They were done, just not uploaded! So you'll likely get five updates next week! I'm going to put together a second bookmark to go with the first one at some point today.

16 thoughts on “09/13/2010

  1. Heh. Cute how Ravon holds on the whole time.

    And who says dogs don’t like taking baths? 😉

  2. Actually, in Tiffany’s stories, it’s only a few cats that don’t like baths. Well, only one cat that I know of. But, when you’re King Laish, ruler of all the Mounty Territories, you can have a few quirks.

  3. Hey, Darius! You’ve got something on your back, there …

  4. Alarm clock or not … I want Ravon as my brother o.o
    That cub is about the cutest character in the whole story. ^_^

  5. “I’m gonna wash that cub right outa my hair!”

    1. You mean fur, don’t you?

  6. I think some of the races _historically_ don’t like baths, because they were quite a chore due to the long fur, and creatures with fur instead of pores just don’t always need baths as often, if kept in a clean environment. The chore part is handled now, because the Cyantians possess bathroom tech that would make the Japanese jealous. (The Wolves are probably the leaders there…)

  7. Now THERE’S an interesting mention, and leaves me with a question: do the Cyantians pant to remove excess heat, or are they capable of perspiration? At their size, heat removal by panting is inefficient and likely not terribly sufficient. If they don’t pant and don’t perspire, then how do they remove excess heat?

    Yes, me and my odd questions, go figure.

  8. I think he forgot to take something off there!

  9. And I’ll bet Ravon is still fully clothed.

    Mom isn’t gonna be happy about that. 😀

  10. Canines have actually been found to perspire through their footpads. 😀 But in the case of Cyantian wolves and most others, due to their body size, they perspire all over the body. They also don’t tend to bathe more than once a week. They have full body blowers that dry one VERY quickly.

  11. Mmmmm… warm shower. Happy Wolf! 🙂

    1. And cub still clinging to his neck xD

  12. A thought: if the shower is voice-commanded, couldn’t the babybrother yell “Ice cold!” and next we’d hear Darius’s scream all the way here on Earth?

  13. The shower probably has safeguards to keep pranks like that from succeeding. Either it voice keys to the person who first chose the temperature for the shower or it’s Darius’ personal shower.

    Or siblings learn fast that the retribution is coming the first shower they take with the other sibling still in the house.

    Personally, I wouldn’t complain if I had access to one of the full body driers. Or even just a “hair only” drier. My hair’s long enough that fast drying would be very welcome.

  14. @Hanna: I almost fell out of my chair laughing!

    @Hariman: Also, Little Brother is *in* the shower for this one, so that would be a self-correcting mistake.

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