09/29/2008 (28 Comments)

Page 007 (05) 1. Silver and Quinn together aghast: We're dumb girls! 2. Silver grinning: We're going with or without you. 3. Darrik looking like he's going to melt into the floor, staring at an angry Vincent: … it was their idea. Vincent: I don't want to get into trouble.

29 thoughts on “09/29/2008 (28 Comments)

  1. Yes, yes they are.

  2. Or are they overly curious smart girls playing “dumb girls”? It’s a lot easier for a smart person to act dumb than a dumb person to act smart. Of course what they’re doing is a question of whether it’s smart or dumb. It’s question of whether it’s wise or foolish, and I’m leaning towards foolish.

  3. Hilarious 1st Panel.. Methinks the duo get along too well.. (like Tea & Kae..)

  4. That figures! Evil female superpowers…

  5. Go back, Vin. Quinn’s demonstrated her powers to you, so you’ll know they’ll be okay. Read about it in the morning paper.

  6. Manipulative, ladies. Very manipulative.

    OTOH, they are successfully testing their male subject’s intelligence and boldness….

  7. Those two are un-be-lievable, I can’t believe they’d actually use such…such, LOW tactics. And the horrible thing is that said tactics will most likely work.

    And yes, while sneaking out in the middle of the night to wander through the woods while trying to see a “Demon Horse” IS foolish, or at least unwise. It’s also lots of fun AND they’ll probably never get another chance.

    The smartest thing that they are doing is bring Quinn along. She’s a flying spying trouble sensor/magnet/engine.

  8. Something to consider is Vin’s life experiences. He hasn’t had the nice, cushy, pampered life that the rest of the cast got to enjoy. He probably has more common sense and streetsmarts then the rest of the cubs combined.

  9. Just goes to show that women are evil no matter the species.

  10. 🙂 They are joking, btw. Basic, unspoken peer pressure against two boys who really want to keep out of trouble, but are curious. Vin knows it’s a bad idea, but he’s mostly reluctant because while he may know cities, he does NOT know nature and without a father has missed out the more traditional father – son bonding that would have happened as part of their society with frequent trips. The only reason Darrik is holding back is simply because he KNOWS it’s not a good idea to wander around in the dark wilderness that one doesn’t know by daylight. 😀 Darrik likes to sneak, but they’re both being dominated by two girls who are very confident in their abilities and well… they’re kind of afraid of Quinn. 😀

  11. I actually kinda want the girls to win the argument because it wouldn’t be fun if Vin and Darrik weren’t with them in the adventure^^

    And Vin looks much nicer here… Is he beginning to yield?

  12. Anybody who isn’t at least a little afraid of Quinn is either crazy, or a perfect boyfriend for her. 😉 Silver only lags behind Quinn in this department because Silver can’t read minds/Fly/etc.

    I happen to recall a conversation concerning Quinn in Puppet Strings: “I’m glad she’s on our side!” “How can you tell?”

    And if Vin is starting to yield, a gentler push from the girls should get him to follow on this adventure.

  13. Man, it’s not fair for Quinn and Silver to gang up on the guys — they’re going to overload all the guys’ circuits doing that. o.O

  14. Poor chap, I do hope he gives in though, would be much funner =P Epic first panel =P

  15. Hehehe!! It WAS their idea that just about sums it up. Oh yeah, and yes they certainly are…
    in this case of course

  16. Poor, poor guys. They have fallen prey to the oldest tact in the world. “Must protect women from danger”

    I like Silver’s smile in the second panel. It just screams mischeif.

  17. Strangely… I wasn’t so sure of her smile in that panel when I drew it… but it works. 😀

  18. The first panel would make a great poster, sans the dialogue.. It’s a classic!

  19. “Wonder Twin Powers ACTIVATE!!!”

  20. Female’s smiles, are like a brain washing up for guys. You don’t remember what you were thinking about, but who cares!! Anything else is a good idea 🙂

  21. Hi, I’m Gustavo. I made an avatar 🙂 Now I’m G. M. Wolf.

  22. KHGV Defenestration

    Admiral Ackbar says: IT’S A TRAP!!!

    Tho looking at Vin, I’d say he’s lost this round, and Darrik isn’t helping in the least. Unless Vin’s learned the hard way that following someone else’s bad idea isn’t a defence in the real world, which is probable enough, their resolve is probably broken for now.

    Alas, Tiff said they were a little afraid of Quinn, so that’d probably gut any willingness to tell on the girls “for their own good”.

  23. And just think, in a few more years they’d have other things to hypnotize guys with other than their smiles. XD *hides from Tiff.*

  24. yes it is a trap. but remember its only a trap if you fall for it! So I think they’re gonna (continue) to be conned into going. And lets face it wouldn’t you be scared if someone as stable as Quinn had the powers that Quinn has?
    *starts wondering why some of Quinn’s friends aren’t already paranoid*

  25. I don’t know about anyone else, mischief or no, but Silver’s smile in the second panel just seems creepy to me. Could be the angle on the face or something but it nearly scares me. XD

  26. Stray: I’d say Quinn’s family and friends aren’t scared of her because they are her family and friends. Thus, they know her better than most people do. (The students who don’t know Quinn ARE afraid of her in Campus Safari.) They already know that Quinn has almost no malice in her actions and really does just want to make people happy/have fun.

  27. Never trust a girl who insults herself. XD

  28. I hate it when a girl turns stuff around on you like that…

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