
Comics for October 4, 2002 - 10/04/2002 - Wow.  725 strips.  Campus Safari has ended in this incarnation.  It began a LONG time ago as one of my first comics and I want to redo it with better art and updated writing. I had to stop doing it primarily to avoid 'fixing' events in Akaelae and closing off avenues of story that I may want to change and well.. I don't really intend to CHANGE the majority of Campus Safari.  I intend to ADD to it!

2 thoughts on “10/04/2002

  1. The masks also extended up to Quinn’s ears. Basically, they took up a much larger portion of her face. And Twinky reminds me of Sasuke from the Naruto series, what with his hair like that and all! And whatever happened to Kel, anyway?

  2. Except from what we know of her she’s not actually too old, her actual age is much younger than her physical age.

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