10/15/2008 (15 Comments)

Comics for October 15, 2008 - 10/15/2008

15 thoughts on “10/15/2008 (15 Comments)

  1. Well. That was unexpected. I wonder what’s gotten Quinn panicked? Or I wonder who Quinn’s gotten to panic?

  2. Uh, what scream are they referring to? I’m confused.

  3. I think the scream happened off panel.

  4. I think Tiff forgot the screem or somthing..

    I actually would expect somthing like that to happen, it fits the whole situation far too well. Don’t they ever realise that when the adults say not to leave, they have a very good reason to say that?

  5. I think is really difficult to draw a proper shout for Quinn, so try to imagin it 🙂 I was sure this was going to happen. Quinn is very sure of herself and have amazing powers but, at the end, she is only a cub… or probably she is really excited and something dark and terrible is running away from her, terrified!! 😀

  6. Oh hey, there’s an “EEEEEEE!!!” there now. I guess Tiff fixed it.

  7. Somehow I saw something like this coming.

  8. Doesn’t make sense for Quinn to scream. She can fly AND read thoughts, making her something of a very mobile and pretty darn sensitive AWACS, being able to sense anything (and especially anything with hostile intentions, I guess). If that wasn’t enough, then there’s her un-dead(ish?) friends who can just tip her off… So she should pretty much proof to any surprise.

  9. @Ravenlord, that just makes the fact that she -apparently- did scream even more terrifying.

  10. She could have found something exciting and that could be a scream of glee too.

    I suspect that Collin might be more sensitive to other peoples thoughts than Quinn is. After all, Collin had trouble filtering others thoughts at the school for a little while. Quinn didn’t. There might also be a range limit on Quinn’s “thought-reading” ability. Quinn might have to focus on flying instead of listening for someone as well.

    I suspect that they’ll find a happy Quinn and be annoyed about it. My other guess is a surprised but fine Quinn.

    Heck, she could have already found the demon horse.

    But yes, something that can scare Quinn is something to worry about.

  11. I thing Silver and Quinn are messing with the new guys. XD

  12. I love that line: “I do not scream like a girl!” XD Beautiful. Best part of the entire strip. (Although I’ll admit that Silver’s pretty face is a close second.)
    And yeah, I agree: anything that can freak Quinn out is bad news. And they all seem pretty concerned, so I’m guessint the tone of the scream was the kind that tells you something is wrong.
    It’s going to be so incredibly ironic if she already found the Demon Horse. I’m guessing another likely option is that she was found by the search party looking for the Demon Horse. THAT would be a bit awkward. ^^;

  13. I think the new guys didn’t know really “what was coming over” 😀 !!!

    (I don’t know if is a good translation for the expression “no saben lo que se les viene encima!!”)

  14. agreed, anything that can make Quinn scream is bad news for everyone.
    Although its also possible that Quinn managed to scare someone else.
    Quinn’s probably fine though since she can fly and teleport via slipping in and out of dimensions.

    However, as Flexico said, its also very possible that its a prank.

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