
30 thoughts on “10/17/2011

  1. Hmm, it appears Filaire has some morals of her own. I’m not surprised Rama doesn’t follow some like Filaire does.

  2. The Three Sisters?

    The three highest lifeforms on their planet, the teachers and guides of fate. What could a follower of the three be working for with a monster like Rama?

    At least we know another reason why she probably didn’t kill Darrik outright when she found him. Though that puts a whole new puzzling spin on the relation to Rama and Filaire.

    1. She didn’t kill Darrik because he’s a black fox, who are powerful elites that have energy manipulation abilities. Even without becoming Technomages, black foxes can be very formidable, thus she essentially turned that trip into the swamp into a recruiting mission.

      And Filaire’s having a moral argument with someone who specifically chose to be amoral. She’s not going to change Rama’s mind, considering that his statements in this update confirm that cannibalism is a habit for him.

      1. You have a point there.

        Still it is interesting for someone who follows orders without to many arguments brings up the three sisters into a point of arguing with Rama.

        Still, I wouldn’t count out Filaire if it was one on one with Rama in argument or a fight. She obviously is one of his stronger, brighter and more loyal hands and good help is so hard to find.

        I wouldn’t be surprised if Filaire didn’t do anything, but the same goes for Filaire grabbing him by the scruff and putting the energy blade to his throat and telling him she only serves him because he serves her purposes. While Filaire’s loyalty can’t be questioned, the terms of their arrangement still seem to allude me.

  3. So, Filaire. I have a question to ask you.

    What happens when Rama decides that you’re no longer useful to him? Are you willing to accept the consequences if you stay long enough to see that day?

    1. Rama will not find her easy prey. Some people have a fire that cannot be quenched with words or brutality of any scale. Such as Nathan Forrest, Theodore Roosevelt, or my personal favorite – Colonel David hunt. Who freely used the word f*** as a verb, noun, and an adjective.

      Rama best steer clear of that one.

      1. Dealing with outliving her usefulness is something Filaire will only have to deal with if she survives in Rama’s service long enough.

        The again, if she does live that long, Genetic Elites can probably give even Technomages fits in a fight. Hence why any sensible person would have an entire kill team to deal with someone like Rama.

    2. Watch out Filaire! Wolves eat Foxes!

  4. Evil has standards, apparently. (actual TvTropes entry)

  5. I don’t recall if the sisters condemn killing, but regardless Filaire doesn’t seem to be commenting on that. She disagrees with eating a sapient. Predation of sapients is strongly frowned upon among Cyantians, just as it is among the natives like Shivae. Killing them in battle, however, is done by some. Filaire is a gold fox, destined by her pelt to be a warrior. She doesn’t seem to have any problem with that, and killing in general (wasn’t she there when Rama killed Vin’s mother and her boyfriend?). I think she’s concerned about eating a sapient, and, possibly, killing for no other reason.

  6. Added a few new tropes to the cyantian chronicles trope page, as well as adding Rama and Filaire to the complete monster and even evil has standards pages respectively also editing the carnivore confusion entries

  7. See this is the problem. A bad corporate culture starts at the top. We have a talented minion…er…worker alienated by middle management and then the mddle manager is alienated by the executives, who are as interested in their own convenience as the good of the buisiness.

    This is a totally dysfunctional org structure which is going to impede long-term profitability. If the stockholders saw this, Rama would be out on his ear.

    1. Rama ate the stockholders last week. He said they were yummy and good with barbecue sauce.

      (Hariman is incorrigible. Hariman is ALWAYS incorrigible.)

      1. We could always have a comics crossover.

        I’m hoping for a hostile takeover by Kell Dewclaw. 😉

        1. Nah.

  8. Filaire is becoming more and more interesting character.
    I wonder if I’ll end up liking her in the end. 🙂

    1. Yeah, never really pegged her as a religious person.

      1. Religion gets really screwy when combined with a warrior ethos. Interpretations get skewed toward might having right (while not necessarily always “being right”); and things such as humility, mercy, and generosity towards the hoi polloi take on militaristic tangents. Would not be surprised if Filaire had a “form of religion” that bears some resemblance to The Three, while not embracing 100% that which The Three stand for in abstrace.

        1. *Snicker* The Three are The Teacher, The Healer and The Warrior.

        2. Ergo, Filaire may cleave most closely to the doctrines of The Warrior, and much less that of The Teacher or The Healer. While The Three themselves may exist in balance, it in no way guarantees that their individual followers do so.

        3. Still, “Don’t eat other people!. Yes, anybody that can talk, even if you’ve gagged them, counts as “other people” dammit!” is probably a steadfast rule of all Three Sisters. 😉

  9. Actually…How often do the sisters make an appearance to influence things?

    Being the first technomages and most enlightened beings on the planet with a religion based on their beliefs. I get that they rarely make an appearance.

    Is it more common for them to influence someone and they settle things themselves or will they randomly appear where their most needed Teaching, Healing and Training those they deem worthy?

  10. It’s good to see there is a line that Filaire will not cross… Rama on the other hand, yeah, monster.

  11. He is really creeping me out, it’s not even funny.

    1. It’s not meant to be funny.

      It’s meant to hammer home just how amoral Rama has become.

      1. I wonder how Rama’s sister would feel about him eating children?

        1. I think we might find out, eventually.

          If it ever happens, it will be near the end of Campus Safari.

  12. And so the plot THICKENS… the requite “evil prey upon itself” where she feels the moral obligation to oppose the wolf 😉

  13. Is she snarling in that first panel?

  14. “The three sisters, yes. Cash, Credit Cards, and Checks.”

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