
19 thoughts on “10/24/2011

  1. Ah, so that’s her aim. She is more understandable now. I don’t hate her quite so much anymore. Still, I worry about the Sirac that’s on his walk; he’s up to something.

    1. Hmm. Vengeance seeker allying with a wannabe world concueror. It makes sense, but it’s still a self destructive path with a high price for choosing an ally like Rama. (Honor, morality and self respect are likely her biggest sacrifices.)

      Still, Filaire seems to be prepared to pay any price, no matter how humiliating or dishonorable it is.

  2. Ah yes, the king of foxes at this time had all the blacks killed that his people could get their hands on.

    I don’t like either Rama or the king. From what little I’ve gleaned from the stories thus far, neither are any better then the other.

  3. geeze the “fall on my knees before rama” bit hooray for double entendre

  4. Classic plot you sale your soul to the devil for revenge.

  5. This almost makes me feel sorry for Filaire. Almost.

    Hey Tiff, did you get the Sivine Blades page I sent you? I sent it to your verizon e-mail. Please let me know!

  6. Well, that sure is sad… and the stupidly idealistic side of me hopes she’ll manage to leave the dark side now…
    What I don’t understand, tho, is why did she catched Darrik on Earth all that time ago… shouldn’t she rather want to help other blacks escape, then?
    Well, maybe one day we’ll know…

    1. She caught Darrik in order to recruit him for Rama, not to give him to the Fox King.

    2. Also, I would be gratified both by her dying in Rama’s grasp as a tragic villain or by her making a Heel Face Turn.

  7. So Keit’s adopted father, King Rashon killed (assumabley,) Filaire’s family. It’s a bit easier to feel sorry for her, and now she has to deal with Rama. I wonder if she lives long enough to see the current king die from the plague.

    1. Honestly, I hope she redeems herself and so on. I’m an idealist 😉

  8. Yes, Filaire. We all have our rationalizations.

    And Heinrich Himmler was a loyal sevant of the Kaiser as a cadet in the 11th bavarian Regiment, though the war ended before he did anything really. So he couldn’t fullfil his dream of being an officer.

    And he spent the rest of his life taking vengeance on, well, just about everyone he could.

    And in the end, he even turned on his former master Hitler and tried to negotiate a separate peace noting that Hitler “could be dead within a couple of days”.

    I’m not sold on the misunderstood and betrayed Filaire meme.

    1. I think she’s becoming a slightly more sympathetic character, but she’s still a “bad guy.” And she chose to be one.

    2. There’s hope for Filaire, as she’s only partway down the slippery slope that Rama cratered the bottom of years ago.

      Granted, it’s not much hope. But she might actually give up her ambitions of revenge while still keeping her older convictions. Otherwise, I don’t think her convictions and ideals can stop bullets and swords.

      1. ^ What he said.

    3. What about Halder? The guy supported Hitler’s abuse of the Eastern European community but broke down in tears during an interview in the ’60s when he was talking about an anti-Hitler conspiracy over Czechoslovakia he took part in. A lot of military leaders were talking about overthrowing Hitler because of his seemingly foolish interest in Czechoslovakia but when Britain and France decided not to go to war over it, the movement lost a lot of ground very quickly. Funny thing about psychotic leaders, they tend to bring out the worst in their subordinates.

  9. Clearly, Filaire has found a ledge partway down the slippery slope.
    She’s teetering on the edge, with the ability to walk along that ledge.
    Walk one way and the ledge will lead you further down, one way or another. Walk the other way, and you will stand once again at the top of the slope, where you can walk away with a partly clean conscience

  10. Um, she’s yellow, Rama’s gray, Darius is white, the bunny is brown, so what difference does it make if her parents are black? Heck, how much ya wanna bet the King has black fur? And a word for her real quick: oftentimes, it’s the refined ones who are the most cruel, vile, etc. when they choose to be so. It’s the fact that they know how to be so refined that allows them to know how to be the opposite. Or is it the other way around?… Anyway, trust me, I would know. I’m kinda the same way (I act quite a bit like a child at times, but the stuff I think and write is actually really morbid a lot of the time).

    1. I should mention that the current fox community is genocidal against those with black, white, and silver fur, which is why Darrik’s family is hiding on Earth and Darrik himself dyed his fur gold. The King is red-furred, by the way.

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