
13 thoughts on “10/26/2011

  1. “There’s a bug in my hair! Get it off! GET IT OFF!”

    “Gah! Hold still!”

    1. What he’s thinking but NOT saying is “So I can grope you before you get away…” XD Naw, nice joke dude! It SERIOUSLY looks like she’s freaking out there, which is weird, because she’s also the magic one. People like that tend to be more dangerous than the average person.

  2. What have we hear?

  3. Quin did you touch Rama mind?

  4. Ya know, I’m starting to like Darius as a brown wolf.

    But white is still his color.

  5. Well, if it scared Quinn, it has to be something really bad…

    1. Either that or she saw Cyclone.

  6. “Doctor, I seem to have this sirac permanently attached to me.”

  7. I think Quinn might have found the bad sirac’s mind. Clearly his thoughts have her in a tizzy.

  8. Looks like Quinn caught Darius while he was trying to pee against the wall! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  9. And this is how Sheana finds them….

    1. Remind me to vacate the area if she dose. The blast will not be small when she blows.

  10. For a moment there, I thought Darius was nude or something and she was either jumping all over him like a slut or freaking out because of his nudity and trying to stop him from continuing on like that. Then I realized the loincloth just happened to be the same color as his fur in this pic.

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