
5 thoughts on “11/15/2010

  1. Well, this is someone new. And he/she’s a pegasus too.

    I wonder if Snitch is really safe on the newcomer’s shoulder? He probably is, but Snitch is probably still in trouble.

    1. Just wntead to ask you about what should be in this synopsis.Do I tell the whole story with spoilers and everything, or do I just touch on what the story consists of without spoiling anything. Or does both count?Thanks

  2. I remember seeing a pegasus before in Akaelae towers… Her name was Amber. Not sure if this is the same pegasus (I forget what she looks like and I’m not sure where the archives are), but either way, it’s interesting.

  3. You’re probably right. Amber was introduced way back in Akaelae Comic #3, so the art style has changed a lot since then. But, her fur color and the undersized wings match up, so that probably is Amber.

  4. She has a nice look to her whoever she is.

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