11/25/2009 (18 Comments)

21 thoughts on “11/25/2009 (18 Comments)

  1. Helriz The Kitsune

    *drops popcorn*
    AGH! It’s gonna blow!
    I sure hope this whole situation doesn’t go south…cause’ that would be depressing…

  2. I think we’re gonna need a rescue squad if Silver and Safiri can’t make it to the pillars and run out REALLY fast!

  3. not good at all. Ther are two being left behind, aren’t there?

  4. Darrik looks creepy in that first panel, awesome lookin though 🙂

    Now leg it!

    1. Yeah, he does look creepy. Almost like he’s about to go shoop-da-whoop to destroy the whole place so it doesn’t cave in on Silver and Safiri. I’M-A-FIRIN’ MY LASAR!! BAAAAAAAAAW!! XD

  5. I’m sure Cyantians would say the same about humans if they saw how we shouted.

    1. Or the faces we made when panicked or photo-bombing. XD

  6. Ever seen a Cyantian Fox run on water?

  7. UH OH!

  8. On the surface it does seem as though everyone is bailing on Silver and Safiri; and, a little self-preservation does kick in at moments of imminent peril such as this. I somehow cannot believe thay are going to be left behind though. Or killed, whichever comes first. I sense they get out somehow, if it requires a rescue team to come in and dig them out.

  9. Cilke has already told Syrys about this, so the rescue team is probably quite close.

  10. Syrys is going to be soooo pissed off at them!

  11. Run away!

  12. Syrys will be angry? At least Darrik has the defense of “It wasn’t my idea!”. Silver’s the one in deep trouble. (Regardless of whether or not she and/or Safiri get hurt) Silver’s father is the KING. Can you imagine the wrath she’s going to have to deal with when he finds out she collapsed the old castle and possibly hurt both herself and one of his subjects?

    Oh, and we’ve forgotten about Quinn. She might have caught up by now.

  13. Darrik may come back to the rescue. He does have some untapped powers. Maybe he can turn into a werefox and charge back and get them. (Need to stop watching the new Twilight previews…)

    1. It’s not entirely impossible, you should read “no angel ” if you haven’t already.


  14. oops, The’yre broken. But we can rebuild them we have the Technomancy. Time For the Electronic Cybernetic $6000000 BlackFox upgrade.

  15. Run Forest! Run

  16. We know silver will survive bit Safiri may not be so lucky!

  17. @dented: lolz, six million dollar man reference

  18. Watch, the entire floor under the party is going to collapse and all the booths with it straight into the pool.

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