12/03/2008 (14 Comments)

14 thoughts on “12/03/2008 (14 Comments)

  1. Oh Quinn, you’re not helping Darrik’s peace of mind!

    Surely they must investigate the haunting as well as the demon horse, for they must not only seize the day, they must also throttle it!

  2. Quinn is probably on speaking terms with the wisps. I bet they have tea every Thursday on the hidden floor of the tower.

    And the only reason Quinn is out there is so she can take the demon horse home as a pet.

  3. Aaand it just hit me. This is Quinn, so she really does know what Darrik is thinking about.

  4. nice to see someone is having a good time.

  5. Indeed a snake with wings would frighten most people… especially in my family… except me, who picked up every snake i saw, brought it in the house and exclaimed “Mommy look what I found!!!!”

    And Darrik shows that he knows of Quinn’s love of seemingly everything.

    though now that i think about it… unfamiliar territory…. unknown animals… i think i might climb a tree or something if i saw an anything that moved that i didn’t recognize… Just much slower then Darrik….

  6. Well, Stray, don’t forget about Quinn’s “surprise attack” – that might explain why a fox can climb THAT fast… ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Climbing a tree for a fox is something to be proud about, and don’t forget that Darrik is from earth so I think he is still new there and a lot of things are things to “jump away” for him ๐Ÿ˜€ … I still can remember my first time of “what the hell is that creepy furry thing??”… They really offended me, but the jump was worthwhile ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. well, i think even a fish could climb a tree if Quinn was involved in scaring it lol

    I want to see this happen now….. i want to see a fish climb a tree lol

    though i know it will never happen, oh well. Here’s to Hoping!!!

  9. Quinn don’t believe everything you hear. Use it as a base but don’t believe it.

  10. Bah, I think Quinn knows it’s not true. She just likes messin’ with people

  11. I don’t understand all this “oh wow a fox that can climb trees!”

    Uh he’s anthropomorphic, I wouldn’t put it past any of the characters to be able to climb at least as well as any human, and given where Derrik came from and the sort of life it looks like it was he can probably climb better than the average human can due to experience.

  12. I’m anthropomorphic and I’ve never climbed a tree ๐Ÿ™‚ For me is surprising to see climbing trees even the squirrels ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. It’s not that Darrik climbed the tree. It’s that Darrik climbed the tree in record time. Plus, I think Quinn is just teasing him for being so jumpy.

  14. Quinn wants to trick them into wanting to pursue the screaming I believe. Love the, “Of course you’d think they were nice.” I lol’d, perfect ^^

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