Comics for April 14, 2004 - A - Why yes, I do intend to put text here ... again, but for now, enjoy your comic featuring multiple species of anthros on their own world!

One thought on “A

  1. I must agree. I went through depression recently, and let’s just say, I felt like I was just barely scraping by in life. As a result, I eventually was. Now, not so much. I am an artist, a writer, a gamer, a talker, and I know good style or talent when I see it. The artist and writing stuff actually didn’t happen until the depression hit though, due to getting bored in class and deciding to try my hand at poetry, which I’d been told I was good at on the few occasions I actually wrote it, usually for a school assignment. I had already been drawing simple symbols for a while, but I started going to slightly more advanced stuff, like swords, daggers, and other bladed weapons, which I now design as another passtime. I am now officially almost one-hundred-percent happy with my life! I WOULD be one-hundred-percent happy with my life if I was a rich kid who had so much money that giving away hundreds of dollars wasn’t even an issue. Sadly, my family is actually quite poor. We’re lucky we still have enough to maintain our style of life!

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