Campus Safari Chapter 2 Page 12

8 thoughts on “Campus Safari Chapter 2 Page 12

  1. … No she won’t. Not now that you’ve said that. Unless Rad and Lucian happen upon the area.

    Then the “monster” won’t come out of the tree. 😉

  2. hmmm, wonder if a few scary howls would scare them off. Fox calls in a dark forest can be rather unnerving to some people.

    1. Or it would give her location away.

      1. As I said, I wonder if. You never know with humans.

  3. To be honest, I was rather surprised that these guys opened fire when they saw Silver. If I see something strange like that, my first instinct will not be: “Kill it! Kill it with fire!” but “Friend or Foe?” It actually shocked me that security guards would be this dumb/xenophobic but after looking things up a bit, I realized that just about anyone could become a security guard. But still, those guards should have their licenses revoked.

    1. The problem is, these guys are basing their actions on what they’ve been told from legends/books/movies/etc. about werewolves and other monsters. To them, Silver is the demonstration that those legends were true, and thus they’re trying to eliminate the threat.

      1. Nope, there just a bunch of dumbasses that make us redneck hillbillies; who dont even need excuses to shoot in the air, look smart.

        That is both sad and scary.

      2. Have you seen the latest stories? Werewolves aren’t inherently evil anymore. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t care if they saw a yeti! You still don’t fire unless there’s a clear threat.

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