Darius Chapter 14 Page 12

Forgot to upload the comics earlier in the week! Here's today's update along with a note! I am incredibly BAD about not promoting my Patreon and Swaggerdile and right now, I need to get them up to $1,000 a month. They are currently at a combined total of $692. $200 of that needs to go to my daughter's monthly doctor bills. Her account is almost tapped out and I don't want to run another Go Fund Me or the other ones. They take an extra chunk out for processing on top of paypal and other things that make me not want to use them. If you haven't joined one yet, for $3 a month you get bonus comics, such as the first two chapters of Vincent and I'm currently updating chapter 4 of Vincent and Filaire! So that's 45+ pages of comics in just that one and I'm particularly happy with Vincent and Filaire. :D I HIGHLY recommend using Swaggerdile, because the comics are inside easy to navigate folders instead of hundreds of posts that are far harder to archive read in Patreon. I apologize for the lack of a colorful splash page on Swaggerdile. I'll get one up, I just need to finish books and updates first. Swaggerdile /// Patreon If you don't want to pledge monthly support, I could use two Bayer Seresto collars for my cats. First time we've had a serious issue with fleas, probably due to the lack of a freeze this year and Vash's topical wasn't cutting it. I was able to take care of him with a new topical, but getting the cats collars is having to wait until pay day. $44 for 8 months of protection and they came highly recommended. (Yes, I do have three cats, but one of them goes comatose if anything is around her neck and supposedly it's not necessary to do all three of them.) If I try to buy them locally, they're $65 - $70 each. :( Amazon Link. I haven't posted about this in a couple of months, primarily because readers were so generous when I really needed it in February. :D :D - Tiffany Ross

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