Draco Vulpes 2 – 12

9 thoughts on “Draco Vulpes 2 – 12

  1. I guess at a distance that might hide the fact that she’s an anthro. Assuming she can do something with her tail and legs.

    Meanwhile, that’s certainly easier than hunting, though it does trigger the random physiology question of the page;

    Chocolate. Normally, even a small amount is deadly to canines. But if they can negate/heal the harm of cigarettes, I have to wonder how many foods that would normally be dangerous for a canine (or other species for that matter) is actually safe for them for the same reason.

    1. On camera it would still look different. Then she is no canine and she is long enough on earth to know what food is dangerous.

  2. Gotta love the footage from the surveillance cams and doubt the mask will help much.

    also that is a Lot of beef jerky. I assume she can read english?

    1. English evolved from Old German. You can usually deciper it.

      1. That doesn’t line up with my english lessons back in school at all.

        1. English doesn’t borrow from other languages, it follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over the head, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.

          Germany also has a strong tradition for English as as second language, and while I would disagree with English coming from German (or getting enough recently enough to matter), written words are similar enough even without being able to see and smell things.

    2. The biggest thing is, depending on how far from a major city you are, some fair few out of the way gas stations still don’t run modern surveillance. In fact, some few are so primitive as to have resolutions so low as to be useless. A rare few have none at all (but still have burglar alarms).

  3. I had a feeling that she would opp for the second option for food gathering: Savaging!!

  4. Oh, gods, horrifying thought: a black fox addicted to Mountain Dew. Because yes, that stuff is damn addictive! Ultra-hyperactive bounce-off-the-walls fennec-fox-level insane black fox at that point.

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