Genoworks Saga 07 06

I just finished this and immediately uploaded it!!! Trying hard to get everything up, but don't count on a Darius by Friday. :( :(

8 thoughts on “Genoworks Saga 07 06

  1. Hoping that the judge will not only take pity on her, he will also charge him for blackening her eye

  2. I could hope for the best for her case. BUT obviously, we are looking at a bad start for this eventual bad raccoon.

  3. I like the chain background in panel two.

  4. I find her precision disturbing, almost mechanical in its’ nature. I have to wonder exactly what’s going on in her head to respond like that.

    1. Yeah, I wonder that too.
      It’s a little eerie the way and precision..
      Also: Marion, you really are not making your case any better.

      1. If the comic sticks to the already established canon of Marion’s backstory, nothing Marion says will make a difference. I think it is, in part, just to give us empathy for her; she was a decent enough cub before she got caught.

    2. Marion is a very smart raccoon. She’s also a planner and thus counts things constantly. 😉 She knows what they took because they all needed to be on the same page and take what they could carry and what they needed.

      1. Yes, but precision like that at so young an age is almost eerie in its’ accuracy. At age 10-ish or so, most kids won’t be thinking in terms of a precise catalog of numbers, they’ll usually be tossing vagueries around like “some”, “lots”, etc., especially when it comes to more than just themselves. Not that it’s impossible for a child to be precise, note, but it is VERY strange. From several friends in the psych field, I’ve had it said to me that things like that are almost OCD or autistic in nature (I’ll have to take their words for it, as I’m not a psychologist).

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