Genoworks Saga Chapter 1 01

I feel like someone else inked this page, but nope, I did.  I also made it far more difficult than it should have been with that fencing... arrrrgh... it was such a PAIN. You'll notice this says Book 1 Chapter 1.  It doesn't really take off from where the prior stories were nor does it involve characters I have really used before... except for one and I look forward to surprising you. :)  Any guesses on who I might involve in this? Eventually, Chatin, Cilke, etc will be reappearing in small segments, but the focus of this book are two separate groups of Genoworks projects. Also... the first time I've addressed the Three Sisters you'll remember being mentioned in passing as a kind of 'religion', rather, protectors of a large area of mountainous land.  I had a LOT of fun with this.  Oh.. and KOYOTIS!  I'm so looking forward to these chapters!! - Tiff

5 thoughts on “Genoworks Saga Chapter 1 01

  1. Heh. “Great White Warwolf”. Little does that fox know that he was involved in this if only marginally.

  2. Hmm. A lot of different characters are possibilities. I would guess a certain otter/ermine hybrid might be featured, as well as a certain brown cedar scented skunk named Cisco.

    Although… maybe not. There’s a number of other characters possible too. I lost track of a few of them over the years too, so I can’t list them all either.

    Plus, you know, I’m looking forward to the surprise too. 😉

  3. I count at least 3 different lies on this fox’s statements.
    A burned out laboratory is littered with hazards.
    The “Great White Warwolf” is actually a pretty nice guy.
    I doubt that 100% of those captured Wanted to go back.
    I’m sure there’s more lies.

    1. 1) Probably have been cleaned up since then.
      2) … unless you’re his enemy.
      3) I don’t think he meant 100% but more like the vast majority.

      1. Wait … scratch 3. I take it back.

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