Genoworks Saga Chapter 11 Page 2

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7 thoughts on “Genoworks Saga Chapter 11 Page 2

  1. “I’ll tell you when you’re older!”

    1. Which is gonna happen really soon, since Genoworks creations grow up faster…

  2. Oh boy (pun not intended). Now she really has to dance. Meanwhile I’m laughing, and I feel bad because I am. Talk about awkward, yet I can see a normal kid asking these kinds of questions too.

  3. Are we drawing on an awkward question experience for this one?

  4. I like that panel where he has to think it over for a minute.

  5. Excellent dodge of the question there.

    Now will she remember that passing off is also another option? ^^

  6. Someone should explain too him about the birds and the bees.

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