
Okay, so I see I made comments on my posts, but not as a POST.

I needed glasses. I was nine years past due for an eye exam and I was finally able to get it done. It was to the point I was having a lot of problems seeing and getting things done. Plus, it was making my eyes tired all the time.

So, I got glasses… and bifocals. 😀 – Tiff

Patreon etc

Just a reminder that I have a Patreon and a Ko-fi! All support goes toward food and bills.

If you’re wanting to gift me anything, I’m heavily into learning to do things better, even though I’ve slowed down.

Domestika – Eyeing the membership for a few months.

21-Draw – Also eying the membership.

Yes, I don’t post as much as I used to. Mostly because I’m working and forget to touch my sites. I have a checklist that helps, but just don’t have anything to say. :/ – Tiff