
6 thoughts on “03/30/2011

  1. Why does Syrys look like a cook in a cheap, redneck diner in that last frame? 🙂 🙂 🙂 Bambi…uuh… acid-whip steak, anyone? 😉

  2. “And here we see the formerly domesticated antrhopomorphic wolf feeding its adopted children. Usually, Canis Lupus Anthrodomesticus would cook it’s food. However, in this case, the wolf and cubs will eat the food raw as a bonding experience.

    Either that, or it’s just too hungry to start a fire and wait. We could only be sure by asking him directly. Though it would be a risky move. He’s twice my size and I spilled ketchup on my shirt this morning. He might not be a dragon, but I don’t want to find out if I’m crunchy and good with ketchup.”

  3. Hey, I’ve been the greasy Redneck Cook! But yeah, waste not; want not.

    And I’m betting it will be raw, unless someone has flint and some steel on them, or at least a Zippo lighter.

    @Hariman: You should Narrate NATGEO hrhrhrhr

  4. the wolf reminding us he is still a wolf.
    @ Hariman: Made me chuckkle.

    1. My work here, is done.

  5. I have little doubt a lot of this comes from Wolf military field training. Surviving off the land would be a high priority.

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