
Thank you - will be emailing people thanks this evening - horrid morning didn't stand in the way of getting stuff done at least.. :/ Although the work I wanted to do had to be put aside since I've done a good job making myself sick. - Tiff

20 thoughts on “04/16/2012

  1. “Azrael? Are ye dead??” 🙂

  2. I can slmost smell singed fur …

  3. Nooo, pick up your knife [i]before[i] approaching the big bad wolf! I bet he’s playing possum.

    1. You assume he’s down.

  4. I love the smell of singed fur in the morning…

    1. I love the smell of comuppance in the morning…

      It smells like victory.

  5. Um, yeah. The technomage is surprised at what Vin just did.

    Methinks Filaire’s going to reconsider some plans soon.

    1. I’m thinking that Vin himself is quite surprised at what he just did. I think he’s going to be in denial for a while, and at a loss as to how he did it, but a few people who have been around Vin and were paying attention might finally pick up on the correlation between the weather and Vins attitude.

    2. You sure Filaire’s a technomage? I thought it was the Gold he associated with in Campus Safari (Zaire or something) that was a mage.

      1. Yes. That’s why Filaire had the staff that shot lightning.

        It seems like Rama has a knack for picking up vixen technomages.

  6. You is spared.

  7. Filaire also looks less the villain in the recent updates. Must be the lack of armor and scowling.

  8. ‘Sanka, You dead?’

    ‘.. ya mon. ‘

  9. So far as I know, Filaire is not a vilaine, she is a mercenary. I like her better when she’s evil, though XD

  10. Filaire Dodged the attack…
    Unnamed Lacky 1 fainted!
    Unnamed Lacky 2 fainted!

    Though I have to wonder, how much time is left on that bomb? They may not get much chance to explore what just happened before the fur starts flying.

  11. As strong as most Wolves and Foxes noses are, the leftover smell alone would be almost enough to incapacitate most people…but I think Vin and Filaire will find a way to get past it. 😉 Curious to see how Rama dealt with that, having been holding the lightning rod at the time. 😀

    Also, oooohhh….Foxy paws….

    K Fox

    P.S. I gave up on banks a while ago – now I only have/will use credit unions. Several good experiences with those combined with several bad experiences with banks since I left the Navy helped me to make that decision. Banks = suckage (like a vampire), CU = rock.

    1. I use a credit union – and they were nice enough to remove the $58 in fees after I was persistent and didn’t take no for an answer. I couldn’t take no, we couldn’t afford the $120+ fees if it went on when there was enough in there. I just need to accept that this company no longer pays on time. 🙁

  12. I’d like to have that view of Filaire’s pads. I bet she enjoys having guys at her feet.

    1. I suppose Ferric would settle for that, but he’d far rather stand beside her!

  13. I think somefur now is happy to wear this pair of extra diapers under her pants. XD

    I think Filair is pretty happy that she survived until now

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