
10 thoughts on “05/15/2012

  1. I would not want to be Rama if Strys found him right after hearing this.

    1. I would not want to be Syrys and hearing this.

      Thankfully, we know that the cubs are fine, just in a place that’s probably blocking the signals.

  2. Was Vincent’s locator disabled by Rama, because he’s just fine and he’s not whisked to safety in the Rumah bunker.

  3. I’m thinking it was more like Vin’s own lightning bolt. Lightning cannot POSSIBLY be any good for such delicate electronics as a locator beacon implant.

  4. Oooorrr.. They are in between space and time.. with Quinn, or somewhere far beyond the range of their locators, such as an instant jump could afford. They are alive, just not /there/.

    1. Having tea with Quinn’s friends?

  5. the problem here is that folk are assuming that these locator systems are using radio or other electromagnetic transmission systems, like modern-day RFID chips and the like. It is distinctly possible, given the advances in Wolf technology, that these might use such exotic things such as quantum entanglement as a means of providing such a beacon.

    1. Eh, this is possibly true. I still go for the ‘lightning overload theory for Vin’s – lightning like that can kill quite easily, so frying something electronic is quite possible, no latter how advanced. Also, Quinn and Co jump dimensions – I doubt their tech can track that since it’s not a very common practice, really. And Darius is in [i]a Ramua bunker[/i] – sort of the most advanced technology they’ve ever seen??? 😉 Prolly not hard to block a tracking signal – methinks someone would have found it previously otherwise.

      K Fox

  6. I sure hope Syrys does know that technology isn’t /that/ infallible…

  7. This guy with the orange hair and glasses reminds me of myself somehow. Maybe it’s because we would probably look similar if I were a furry.

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