05/21/2010 (9 Comments)

11 thoughts on “05/21/2010 (9 Comments)

  1. Yeah. Yesterday’s update cranked my Suspicion Meter up even higher. Today’s doesn’t help.

  2. Apparently it’s a dog eat dog world at the academy. (cue the rimshot)

  3. didnt realise how dangerous it all was oO

  4. Like spartan training.

    1. Kitty, The Evil Overlord

      Wow… Just wow…

    2. Syrys: “But they’re going to the academy to LEARN, father. These kids survived elementary school without shrapnel wounds or a single session of trauma surgery.”
      Grandfather: “That is the only reassuring thing about this.”

  5. It doesn’t sound dangerous, but it does sound like it can psychologically damage a person in various ways.

  6. Well, whether its physically or psychologically dangerous, it’s still dangerous. To me it sounds like it can have a detrimental effect on someone’s long term health.

  7. What KIND of academy are we talking about here?

  8. From what I’m guessing, it seems that the academies are highly internally competitive, with a stringent academic requirement and a necessity to show practical application of learned knowledge. My guess is that it’s a little like high school in Japan, or an Ivy League college here in the USA: high-stress, high dropout rate, and serious psychological damage from failing. My guess would also be that these academies might be a one-shot, or that having to re-apply might carry a deep social stigma.

    Just my thoughts.

  9. There’s also the possibility that success at the academy, combined with the knowledge of being especially tough due to the elite regeneration factor, could instill a dangerous amount of arrogance in the cubs.

    You know what? Given what Alpha just said, it’s possible that not all of them go to the academy together. Or they could not go to the academy this year. Either way, this is likely a turning point in Darius’ life, if not the lives of all the cubs.

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