
8 thoughts on “05/27/2011

  1. This seems as much “I want to know if my father is a dratsad.” as it is “I don’t think I can outrun him to go get help.”

    And I’ve got a bad feeling about when Vin finally does find out the truth about Rama.

  2. I can see how you might want to get your own inside view, but be careful that you don’t wander into a gossamer cage.

  3. Trust your gut, it you get a bad feeling about somebody or just in general, watch out. It’s your subconscious picking up on something you’ve missed or something bad you are unaware of. For example, you walk into your house and get a bad feeling for no reason. Someone has broken into your house, you see nothing but there’s the lingering scent of somebody unfamiliar in your territory. The human nose is blunt so it’s pretty much impossible for you to consciously pick up on the scent of a stranger.

    Trusting your gut isn’t 100% guaranteed but it usually turns up results.

  4. Vin needs to tread carefully here. VERY carefully.

  5. May 35th? Methinks there be a typo…

  6. If you have to compel people through restraint to listen to your point then you do not have a point.

    1. Or, at the least, there’s something seriously wrong with it! 🙂

      (Yes, Vin; you -should- be afraid!)

  7. I’m just waiting for Vin to find out who killed his mom. And the resulting storm from Vin.

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