
Ad Free Surfing is now FULLY active! 7/24 - Whew... and as of tonight, fixed the archives to have the RIGHT chapter numbers and be tagged for characters, then moved the dropdown and fixed it to list items by chapters! - Tiff

10 thoughts on “07/16/2010

  1. Love the countdown..3..2..1… 🙂

  2. Ah, the harsh brick of reality: Smashing dreams and giving out disillusionment since times beyond memory.

  3. Hope is the first step on the road towards disappointment!

  4. sudden realization is like getting hit in the head. it always hurts at first, but sometimes, you really needed that hit in the head!

  5. man up people, dissapointment should be expected all the time at every turn 🙂

  6. On a non comic note: I like the new layout/color scheme, it looks really nice. The only hiccup is that the topmost ad under the header covers part of the navigation bar.

    1. That’s because of the header, fixing that. 😀

  7. Of note: the archive for Genoworks Saga (and possibly others I have not looked at) are appearing oddly. They might warrant a looking-at.

    1. Yup. I deleted the basic theme I was working on and had set it to a few sites to test it out. That knocks it to a default. I’m about to go through and reset all of the themes. Most will have missing headers since I thought I saved them and now can’t find them. 😀 Going to redo the headers to the active comics first.

      1. I have seen the new header and it is good.

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