
12 thoughts on “09/01/2010

  1. Annoyeth not the Big Brother, for he has pillows and very good aim…

    Catch is, he’s probably not going to be able to get back to sleep without a pillow…

  2. Just wait until the brother, not just the Shivae, wakes up!

  3. Grr! Arr! Younger Brothers Unite! Let’s join together and stand up to Older Sibling’s Abuse! Together we can guarantee ice cream and board games on demand!

  4. Feh… older siblings need simply tickle you into submission. 😉

  5. lol the results are not surprising 😀 Love the cute yawn of the chick and the surprise on her face when the pillow is thrown lol

  6. Being a younger brother myself, I’m familiar with this. Although, I never assembled the courage to try to awaken my older sisters. That would not have ended well.

    1. Eh hehehe…. My little brother woke me up like that ONCE… and lived in fear of his big sister’s room for weeks afterwards…

  7. Shivae chick is amused. 🙂

  8. And very cute when yawning. (It bears repeating.)

  9. I have to agree. I love this update Tiff. There are so many great things in it! 🙂

  10. Boom! Headshot!

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