
Comics for September 19, 2002 - 09/19/2002 - Wow.  725 strips.  Campus Safari has ended in this incarnation.  It began a LONG time ago as one of my first comics and I want to redo it with better art and updated writing. I had to stop doing it primarily to avoid 'fixing' events in Akaelae and closing off avenues of story that I may want to change and well.. I don't really intend to CHANGE the majority of Campus Safari.  I intend to ADD to it!

One thought on “09/19/2002

  1. Oh. At first I was thinking “Since when did Vic have blueish fur?” but then I realized that I had been getting him mixed up with Vincent. Guess it wasn’t as much of a family reunion as I thought, eh? XD And exactly how does a pair of black foxes have a silver fox? That seems a bit messed up to me. Unless it’s the fact that by silver, they probably mean grey, which is a mix between black and white, which would make sense because Darrik has some white fur on him.

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