
Get your orders in ASAP! I will likely not be listing this book on Indyplanet due to policy changes. They now take half the profit and since these are not drastically marked up, that means I don't get a lot. I will only be ordering enough copies to fill the preorders and take to conventions. - Tiff

9 thoughts on “10/03/2011

  1. Filaire eavesdropping, sly fox you!

  2. Oh, yes. Vin is going to need years of therapy.

  3. why do I have a feeling that there’s something in the food?

    1. That wouldn’t surprise me as a “Plan B” for someone like Rama. There’s probably not anything in this meal because he wants to try a holistic approach and gain Vin’s trust naturally. No drugs means that Vin won’t miss a maintenance dose.

      Redlion: Well, there’s also the possibility of high impact catharsis. By which I mean taking a run or three at Rama with a truck. A very large truck.

      And yes, I do think Rama is an irredeemable dratsad. Why do you ask?

  4. Is Darius available for preorder? Where? Link please.

    1. The signed version is available on Storeenvy here:


      I know unsigned and digital versions were mentioned, but I don’t have the links to those.

      1. They’re all on Storenvy. 🙂 Click the image below the comic or just go here: http://shivae.storenvy.com/

  5. I love where the plot in Darius is going…

    And a little OT, but why were comments on Black Rose comics disabled?

    1. They aren’t disabled, the link just wasn’t showing up because I didn’t have any text entered or something happened to the link. Normally it was. I went in and fixed that though.

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