
40 thoughts on “10/14/2011

  1. Seems like the bunny may be one step ahead of him on that one.

    He is one sick jerk.

    I don’t think its common for the sentient to eat other sentient. That just shows more of how messed up he is.

    1. That’s your opinion as an sapient omnivore, a sapient carnivore may have a different take on that.

      Our ancestors spent their time running and hiding from predators so the average human viewpoint naturally frowns on being preyed upon. Being a victim has a tendency to make one bias. So a sapient apex predator who has never been on the receiving end of the stick may degree with you.

      1. True. True. other views from an Apex predator sentient may differ on other worlds.

        But being a long time reader of the comic gave me the impression that the Cyantian races of the different sentient races frowned on such things that Rama just hinted at and the wolves seemed to be the most civilized of the races.

        Don’t forget that many of the races we see here are genetically engineered earth species. There’s even a small number of humans if I remember correctly that were brought with the wolves, rabbits, Mounties, foxes, and a few others and they were originally used as slave races, if memory serves me right. Not good having your slaves eating one another

        Not all the sentients were brought here though. The Shivae are interesting to read about.

        1. They didn’t eat each other when the Rumuah were alive. It was only after the Rumuah died out and the society fragmented into species that the prey species of cyantians became prey again.

          But, that stopped happening centuries ago when all the societies started to run into each others borders and become more civilized.

          I take it back. Rama’s not following in his father’s footsteps, he’s blazed a trail ahead of how bad his father was.

        2. Devouring one’s neighbor is generally bad for public relations between sapient species and galactic peace in general. In order for civilization to prosper you sometimes have to set aside primal urges.

          Threatening and eating your slaves does wonders for submission. Not saying I approve.

  2. Tortured soul my posterior! Rama’s gone off the deep end into Amoralist Revenge Seeker! He’s probably been there since he was exiled too.

    And from what he’s saying, this seems like a standard method of getting rid of unwanted servants.

    Josh: Please don’t insult sick jerks. Rama is far worse.

  3. I’m noticing that the fox girls there look kinda similar, the harem and warrior ones. I kinda wonder if there’s some relation there.

  4. Well, Rama just confirmed my worst imaginings–“I knew they would have some use” meant he let them live this long only for personal benefit, and pretty low use, at that.

  5. I hope one day we’ll see Rama dead. Very, very dead in an extremely painful way.
    I know it’ll take many years at best, comic time (post-CS) and real time, but I still hope for it.

  6. Well shit, hell Hitler might have been the darkest human ever but at least he was a cannibal.

  7. Does that mean that meal they were eating was, Cyantian meat?!

  8. Yeah, Rama’s yet again proving himself to be just as much a waste of perfectly good air as I expected.

  9. Oo … kay. Rama was just acting subtly creepy before in ways that I like since it made him a more human character but this is just dark. I really want to know what got Rama into cannibalism.

    1. My apologies, I mistook “skillfully hiding behind a high charisma” for “acting subtly creepy”. I guess this is just an introspective into the real Rama.

      1. Still, it does make him a very human character. A “We can Rule Together” line is much more convincing when delivered by a calm man speaking normally than from a throaty voiced guy hiding behind a mask.

  10. I know this isn’t gonna happen, but from a purely personal and literary stand point, it would be nice just ONE to have the young lad perform ONE night to protect the rabbit and the other gal and STILL end up rescuing them AND the others. It coudl happen OFF camera…but..just something you never see done

    1. ๐Ÿ˜€ Maybe if he were not a canine, that would happen, but since he is, it would leave him way too vulnerable and I’m pretty sure he’s too afraid of his situation to be comfortable doing anything anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Nooooow.. if he were a rabbit, that would be quite different.

      1. Of course, when your a writer, it’s your character you can make it make PERFECT sense, but still I wish…

        1. Tiff meant that if Vin were a lapin then there would be no question. As a species they are highly sexually active anyway, to the point where a prospective couple have to live together for a time before marrying.

        2. Yes I did understand that, where as i took the more, Voyeur experimentation approach. It’s just a path no author I have ever known….treads

    2. The realism enthusiast in me would be gratified if the rabbit actually did die.

      1. Yea i can see that, but everyone does the “Death” thing, it’s SAFE….however young lad, interspecies….*sighs* no one ever goes THERE

    3. I’ve got the feeling that Vin is going to at least try to protect Melody.

      It’ll be a sad (and angry) day if Rama has her killed even after Vin tries to protect her.

      1. Well of course he will..he’s the Protagonist, it’s part of the formula, perfect good ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Do I really need to traumitize both of the shyer, timid boys in that way? ๐Ÿ˜€

        2. NEED to? No…however it could be a “Coming out” a “something wonderful” for Vin to desire in the future. Timid does not have to mean frightened or dead ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. There isn’t much of a line between awkward and creepy, but that was a hell of a jump from one to the other.

  12. Tiff sure found a way to make Rama truly look like one evil son of a witch, both with the shading and the words.

    1. When I saw Tiff coloring this page I’ve been saying this middle panel is just about the perfect candidate for framing and a “#1 Villain Mastermind”-type of caption.
      And I still hope Syrys’ll have a chance to at least make the dratsad bleed next year during the final chapters.

  13. I’m loving the conversation. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Cannibalism: Abhorrent crime and conversation starter.

      Wait. That doesn’t sound right.

  14. Rama didn’t just step ofthat slippery slope. He backed away, aimed for the highest point on the hill and used a springboard launchpad as well as a JETPACK to jump off the cliff that the slippery slope becomes further down the valley.
    Creepy doesn’t come anywhere near this guy’s actions.
    Definately lobbying for poster child for the Complete Monster entry on TV Tropes.

  15. I think Rama is seriously underestimating his son. Vincent obviously doesn’t trust him, so he’ll definitely be looking for a way out. The only problem is those girls and how loyal they may be to Rama. Or how cowed. Probably the latter, actually.

  16. You know, it just occurred to me. Rama’s turned himself into something out of a horror movie. “The thing that would not die.”

    Come to think of it, Dior’s in the same boat. (Dior’s a massive undead scythetail/acid whip hybrid that was last seen in a long time ago.)

  17. I suspect Vincent will either find a way to protect both girls, or will find out where the bunny (Melody?) disappeared to during or shortly after tomorrow’s dinner.

    I pray he finds a way to save them both!!!

    1. My personal theory is that he’ll find a way to protect Melody before she ends up as a snack for The Beast in Wolf’s Clothing.

      1. Now that I think about it, considering her “I almost feel sorry for him,” comment, it might even be Filaire who gives Vincent the hint that helps him save the girls.

  18. Dang, I knew Rama was a bad guy but…that’s just Horrifying!!!
    what if he makes Vincent eat her without him knowing? or what if Rama feeds the rabbit to his friends? this is turning into a horror fest.

  19. Well, NOW Rama’s a canibal! Well, sorta. Also, now the RABBIT looks cuter than the other one. Why is that? Maybe it’s the eyes…naw, cause the vixen had her eyes closed in that other comic. By the way, exactly what is each of them doing in that first panel there?

  20. Oh yeah, the lady looks either annoyed or suddenly dedicated in the last panel. Which is it?

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