10/17/2008 (22 Comments)

Comics for October 17, 2008 - 10/17/2008

24 thoughts on “10/17/2008 (22 Comments)

  1. Wahahahaha πŸ˜€ Soooo cute!! πŸ™‚

  2. “Don’t be afraid…”

  3. I don’t know what’s more dangerous… Quinn being agressive or Quinn being tender πŸ™‚ Squeezing could be dangerous from a person with no measure πŸ˜€

  4. So it wasn’t Quinn’s scream after all ^^

  5. the fancyest pants around

    Use the Force!

  6. I wonder who they are.

  7. Ack! The eyes! THE EYES!!

  8. I’m not surprised it wasn’t Quinn — I can’t really imagine what would be badass enough to make Quinn scream. If she finds this demon horse thingie, she’ll probably make a pet out of it and try to talk Syrys into letting her take it home.

    Poor kittens – a first encounter with Quinn can be rather scary.

  9. Bet it was Quinn, twas a girly scream of delight.

  10. Lol, figures it wasn’t Quinn screaming. And who can blame them for being freaked out: there’s a flying ringtailed creature staring at them! (AFter all, they’ve never seen a raccoon before! That fact alone probably has them confused!)
    I’m guessing they’re black panthers?
    Quinn does look really nice in that last panel, though. ^^

  11. Must not say those four words… Must not say those 4 words… (My thoughts right now.)

    Those cub’s minds are either racing faster than Quinn on Pixie Sticks (Shudder!) or are utterly frozen due to the unexpected appearance of a flying smiling raccoon girl. The older cub looks even more frightened now that he’s been greeted.

  12. Two questions answered.

    One new question.

    What are two young cubs doing out in the middle of nowhere? And I am not talking about Vin and Darrik.

  13. I can still recall my first Quinn encounter.. Quite difficult for those shy people like me, you know…

  14. Probably looking for the Demon Horse πŸ˜€ Cubs use to have similar ideas πŸ™‚

  15. If Quinn ever gets married, the groom will have to be one VERY interesting guy. I don’t think anyone normal could tolerate intimacy with her..

    (I love Quinn, but she tends to be a bit chaotic for me…)

  16. Don’t put thoughts like that in my mind. πŸ˜€ Because if that ever happened, it’d have to be at least rated R.

  17. Tiff, you could always put that scene behind a paywall. Besides, it will probably not happen for years to come. Personally, I have a hard time imagining innocent, child-like Quinn ever considering the option. Worse, the thought of Quinn ever having cubs makes me a little queasy. Quinn…a mother? The world could come to an end….

    1. Forget about the mothering, the KIDS are what we should be worried about.

  18. KHGV Defenestration

    Kitties with round pupils? Wait, that’s because they’re opened for better night vision, isn’t it?


    Forgot about that and discounted the lurker as being feline as a result – tho I suspect the lurker may still be a third individual.

  19. Tiff: Please forgive me, I’m going to give you IDEAS. Heaven only knows what chaos these much feared ideas will bring.

    Shippou: I’m not so sure about that “very interesting” thing for a mate for Quinn. Serious, cynical and in need of a near eternal optimist sounds much more workable for a long term relationship with Quinn.

    “Opposites attract, but twin souls spark” Quinn’s perfect mate might be the opposite of her. Someone who is often serious/hands off with other people. Having Quinn with someone too similar would get old (Chaotic and fun, but stale), as neither would grow because of the relationship. Having Quinn with an opposite personality type would challenge her world view as well as his world view and force them both to grow beyond themselves.

    Having the ability to temper Quinn’s half baked plans into more workable formats would help greatly. Lot’s of patience and a kind heart would be a must.

    Lycanthrope: I’m pretty sure that Quinn has grown up enough to notice that guys are attractive. Outback was getting a surprise hug in a Valentines wallpaper that I can’t find anymore. Also, Quinn tried to help Cesilee attract Marcus using “The bunny channel” as a guide for what human men want. So Quinn probably hasn’t found the right guy to attract her yet. Or she hasn’t gotten the nerve to ask him out yet.

    Also, and here’s where I’m giving Tiff ideas, it doesn’t matter if Quinn considers it first. She’ll probably pick up when the GUY considers dating her and lets it leak as a surface thought. That’s something a guy could do deliberately to get her attention. Said mysterious perfect guy for Quinn might give her ideas without realizing it.

    Also, Quinn would probably mellow after becoming a mother and realizing the implications. Many “wild child’s” do upon becoming a parent. I have little doubt that SOMEONE would take the time to get it through to Quinn how big a responsibility a cub is for a mother. Syris or her mate are the most likely to do that. Or the child would have many uncles and aunts to teach him/her about life.

    Although, I should note that Quinn having twins or triplets is second only to Quinn being angry/actively malicious in terms of scaring me.

    Well, gosh. I’m out of ramble now.

    Thanks for reading, if your eyes didn’t glaze over,

    PS: Half of the reason why this post is so dang long is because I’m venting stress from a very bad day of D&D. I spent at least an hour and a half having my party slowly but surely beaten unto death. It beats griping about said bad day. πŸ˜‰ And it’s all (mostly) in fun anyway.

    PPS: Yes, “Opposites attract, but twin souls spark” is a quote from someone else. Specifically, it comes from Jennifer Crusie, a romance writer that my sister likes. The actual quote can be found here, http://www.jennycrusie.com/essays/writingromancefromtv.php, as a lesson learned from watching TV romances play out.

    Also a fun read, to which Jennifer Crusie is a contributor: The “Romance Heroine’s Don’t List” found here:

    PPPS: Tiff: I’m sure you could get that scene down to a “Shivae-13” rating if you REALLY wanted to. And that’s a mighty big “if”. πŸ˜‰

  20. Wow. I knew that post was long, but I didn’t think it was THAT long. My compliments if you make it to my signature.

  21. does anybody know about any tv shows or movies or other comics that are like this, also the scrambled text security in the registration on the forum is not loading in firefox or ie. please email me at time_shift at hotmail com

  22. The jawas finally take off their robes!! XD

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