
13 thoughts on “10/28/2011

  1. Haha! Poor Darius (or Quinn, assuming that’s Darius,)

  2. total white light… could be a very bright source, or it could be a mental projection of light.. either way, not a good thing to encounter when you’re trying to be stealthy

  3. Heh. So it’s not just dark, now they have bright lights in their eyes.

    Poor cubs, they’ve likely gone straight into some kind of trouble.

  4. ๐Ÿ˜› Boo! I call artist cop-out! ๐Ÿ™‚ (Black, black, white; bet that was hard to draw.)

    1. Would you rather she take extra time to draw panels that are supposed to be in utter darkness and blinding light when she doesn’t need to?

      This means she got to focus on the next two updates that much more!

    2. Use your imagination… besides, she drawn this one at least a week ago, so it’s not like last-second decision to slack. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    3. Guys; check the emoticons. I believe Elithril was joking! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Aw… Now what am I gonna do with the pointy stick that Frost tossed aside? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Uh, oh. Busted!

    1. Not good.

  6. Bright Eyes, burning like AUGH!

  7. My money is on some sort of interference(barrier?) screwing up Quinn’s ability to move freely through the void. Probably created by Ramden.

  8. “Where is that light coming from?!”
    “I think the artist just used the paint bucket with the background color!”

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